- प्रदीप तिवारी
मंगलवार, 22 जून 2010
at 10:32 am | 1 comments | प्रदीप तिवारी
मेक्सिको की खाड़ी और भोपाल, दो मानदण्ड - अनुचित या उचित
भारत में पच्चीस वर्षों पूर्व अमरीकी स्वामित्व वाली यूनियन कार्बाइड फैक्ट्री में मिक गैस के रिसाव से हजारों लोग मारे गये और अपाहिज हो गये।भारत सरकार के मंत्रियों का एक समूह अब तक उसकी पत्रावलियों की धूल ही झाड़ रहा है क्योंकि उक्त दुर्घटना के लिए भोपाल की एक अदालत द्वारा 25 से अधिक सालों के बाद अमरीकी स्वामित्व वाली उक्त फैक्ट्री के सात भारतीय नौकरों को केवल दो साल की सजा सुनाने पर जनता में देशव्यापी आक्रोश उफान पर है। मंत्रियों का उक्त समूह काफी पहले से अस्तित्व में था परन्तु उसने कभी भी कोई प्रभावी कार्रवाई करने का विचार तक किया हो, ऐसा प्रतीत नहीं होता है। समाचार पत्रों में तो यहां तक छप रहा है कि यूनियन कार्बाइड के मुखिया एंडरसन को भारत सरकार ने शुरूआत में ही अभयदान दे दिया था और उसे सकुशल अमरीका वापस पहुंचाने के लिए अपने अमरीकी आकाओं को वचन दे डाला था। उक्त दुर्घटना के दोषियों पर चल रहे मुकदमें के इस हस्र ने मंत्रियों के इस समूह को सम्प्रति सक्रिय कर दिया है। अब वे केन्द्र सरकार के श्रोतों से एक कोष गठित कर रहे हैं। सोचने की बात है कि विश्व की सबसे भयावह औद्योगिक दुर्घटना में मारे गये हजारों लोगों के परिजनों के लिए और अपाहिज हुए लोगों के लिए दुर्घटना के 25 से अधिक सालों के बाद इस कोष की कितनी सार्थकता होगी? क्या इसे पहले मुहैया नहीं कराया जा सकता था। वैसे भी यह कोष किसी को राहत देने के लिए नहीं बल्कि आक्रोश को दबाने के लिए बनाया जा रहा है।दृश्य दो: मेक्सिको की खाड़ी में तेल बिखर जाने के चन्द दिनों के अन्दर ही अमरीकी सरकार ने झींगा काश्तकारों को मुआवजा देने के लिए ब्रिटिश पेट्रोलियम नामक ब्रिटिश कम्पनी को 20 बिलियन अमरीकी डालरों यानी एक अरब अमरीकी डालर या 47 अरब भारतीय रूपयों का कोष गठित करने के लिए विवश कर दिया।ब्रिट्रेन के ”फाईनेन्सियल टाईम्स“ नामक अखबार ने अमरीकी सरकार की इस दोहरी नीति पर सवाल खड़े किये हैं। इस अखबार के सवाल करने का कारण ब्रिटिश सरमायेदारों पर अमरीका द्वारा बनाया गया दवाब हो सकता है। लेकिन हमारे लिए भी अखबार की इस टिप्पणी के मायने हैं। अखबार लिखता है कि विश्व की सबसे भयानक औद्योगिक दुर्घटना के परिणामों से यूनियन कार्बाइड के मुखिया एंडरसन को बचाने वाला अमरीकी प्रशासन ब्रिटिश पेट्रोलियम के मुखिया टोनी हेवार्ड को मेक्सिको की खाड़ी में तेल के रिसाव के लिए दण्ड देने वाले कटघरे में जकड़ रहा है। दोहरे मानदण्ड़ों का आरोप इसलिए और भी गहरा हो जाता है कि ओबामा प्रशासन मेक्सिको की खाड़ी की सफाई करने के लिए ब्रिटिश पेट्रोलियम के अधिकारियों की गर्दन यह कहते हुए जकड़ रहा है कि प्रदूषणकारी ही कीमत अदा करता है जबकि भोपाल की यूनियन कार्बाइड फैक्ट्री में तमाम खतरनाक विषैले रसायन अभी भी जमींदोज हैं और अमरीकी हुक्मरान यूनियन कार्बाइड और डाउ केमिकल्स को बचाने के हर सम्भव प्रयास कर रहे हैं। उल्लेखनीय होगा कि पिछले साल अमरीकी कांग्रेस (वहां की संसद) के 24 सदस्यों ने अमरीकी राष्ट्रपति को पत्र लिखकर भोपाल की यूनियन कार्बाइड की सफाई डाउ केमिकल्स से कराने की मांग ही इसी सिद्धांत पर की थी कि प्रदूषणकारी कीमत चुकाता है परन्तु अमरीकी राष्ट्रपति ने इस पर इसलिए कोई ध्यान नहीं दिया क्योंकि हर अमरीकी राष्ट्रपति अमरीकी सरमायेदारों के हितों की रक्षा करने का उत्तरदायित्व प्राथमिक तौर पर संभालता है।अमरीकी सरकार और प्रशासन अपने सरमायेदारों के हित सुरक्षित करते हैं, वे हमारे कितने अच्छे और सच्चे मित्र हो सकते हैं, यह हमारे सोचने और समझने की बात है। अमरीका परस्त कांग्रेसी और भाजपाई कभी भी इस सत्य को स्वीकार नहीं करेंगे। उनके लिए अमरीका का हित सर्वोपरि है, अमरीका की चाकरी सर्वोपरि है।
- प्रदीप तिवारी
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- प्रदीप तिवारी
at 9:13 am | 0 comments |
CPI demands UP govt to extend date for accepting money in Dadri land
newkerala.com published the following news today :
Lucknow, Jun 21 : Communist Party of India (CPI) today appealed to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati to extend the date to accept money for returning the land to farmers taken by the previous Mulayam Singh Yadav government for setting up a gas-based power project in Dadri.
In a statement here today, CPI State Unit Secretary Girish said he had written a letter to Ms Mayawati to extend the date by about three months so that the farmers could return back the money taken as compensation for getting their land.He has also asked the state government to withdraw all criminal cases against the farmers lodged during the acquisition of the concerned land by the previous government. ''When the Allahabad High Court had ordered return of the farmers' land, then why the government was continuing the criminal cases against the farmers,'' he asked from the government.Meanwhile, Kishan Manch and Maharana Sangram Singh Kishan Sangarsh Samiti will take out a rally in Dhaulana in Gautam Buddha Nagar district on June 25, birthday of former Prime Minister late V P Singh, to celebrate the victory of the farmers in the Dadri case.The rally will be addressed by CPI General Secretary A B Bardhan, Dr Girish and Kishan manch leader Vinod Singh.
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Lucknow, Jun 21 : Communist Party of India (CPI) today appealed to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati to extend the date to accept money for returning the land to farmers taken by the previous Mulayam Singh Yadav government for setting up a gas-based power project in Dadri.
In a statement here today, CPI State Unit Secretary Girish said he had written a letter to Ms Mayawati to extend the date by about three months so that the farmers could return back the money taken as compensation for getting their land.He has also asked the state government to withdraw all criminal cases against the farmers lodged during the acquisition of the concerned land by the previous government. ''When the Allahabad High Court had ordered return of the farmers' land, then why the government was continuing the criminal cases against the farmers,'' he asked from the government.Meanwhile, Kishan Manch and Maharana Sangram Singh Kishan Sangarsh Samiti will take out a rally in Dhaulana in Gautam Buddha Nagar district on June 25, birthday of former Prime Minister late V P Singh, to celebrate the victory of the farmers in the Dadri case.The rally will be addressed by CPI General Secretary A B Bardhan, Dr Girish and Kishan manch leader Vinod Singh.
at 9:11 am | 0 comments |
Communist Party of India (CPI) meet to discuss an action plan to launch agitations against the policies of the Central and State governments
The Hindu today published the following news:
VIJAYAWADA: The State committee of the Communist Party of India (CPI) will meet here from June 23 to 25 to discuss an action plan to launch agitations against the policies of the Central and State governments, according to the party city secretary K. Subba Raju.
The meeting will focus on the failure of the governments to control the rising prices of essential commodities, corruption in the implementation of welfare schemes and ineffectiveness of the government machinery in solving people' grievances, Mr. Subba Raju said addressing a preparatory meeting at the party office on Monday.
He said Congress leaders were busy with their own group politics and had no time in solving the public grievances.
There was large scale corruption in execution of irrigation projects while the public distribution system was being diluted. The CPI will launch agitations on behalf of the common people and the State committee will draw a framework for this, Mr. Subba Raju asserted.
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VIJAYAWADA: The State committee of the Communist Party of India (CPI) will meet here from June 23 to 25 to discuss an action plan to launch agitations against the policies of the Central and State governments, according to the party city secretary K. Subba Raju.
The meeting will focus on the failure of the governments to control the rising prices of essential commodities, corruption in the implementation of welfare schemes and ineffectiveness of the government machinery in solving people' grievances, Mr. Subba Raju said addressing a preparatory meeting at the party office on Monday.
He said Congress leaders were busy with their own group politics and had no time in solving the public grievances.
There was large scale corruption in execution of irrigation projects while the public distribution system was being diluted. The CPI will launch agitations on behalf of the common people and the State committee will draw a framework for this, Mr. Subba Raju asserted.
at 9:10 am | 0 comments |
CPI demands UP govt to extend date for accepting money in Dadri land
Webindia123 today published the following news :
Lucknow Monday, Jun 21 2010 IST
rv_key=""; /* please add your comma separated keywords here to get related videos */
Communist Party of India (CPI) today appealed to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati to extend the date to accept money for returning the land to farmers taken by the previous Mulayam Singh Yadav government for setting up a gas-based power project in Dadri.
In a statement here today, CPI State Unit Secretary Girish said he had written a letter to Ms Mayawati to extend the date by about three months so that the farmers could return back the money taken as compensation for getting their land.
He has also asked the state government to withdraw all criminal cases against the farmers lodged during the acquisition of the concerned land by the previous government. ''When the Allahabad High Court had ordered return of the farmers' land, then why the government was continuing the criminal cases against the farmers,'' he asked from the government.
Meanwhile, Kishan Manch and Maharana Sangram Singh Kishan Sangarsh Samiti will take out a rally in Dhaulana in Gautam Buddha Nagar district on June 25, birthday of former Prime Minister late V P Singh, to celebrate the victory of the farmers in the Dadri case.
The rally will be addressed by CPI General Secretary A B Bardhan, Dr Girish and Kishan manch leader Vinod Singh.
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Lucknow Monday, Jun 21 2010 IST
rv_key=""; /* please add your comma separated keywords here to get related videos */
Communist Party of India (CPI) today appealed to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati to extend the date to accept money for returning the land to farmers taken by the previous Mulayam Singh Yadav government for setting up a gas-based power project in Dadri.
In a statement here today, CPI State Unit Secretary Girish said he had written a letter to Ms Mayawati to extend the date by about three months so that the farmers could return back the money taken as compensation for getting their land.
He has also asked the state government to withdraw all criminal cases against the farmers lodged during the acquisition of the concerned land by the previous government. ''When the Allahabad High Court had ordered return of the farmers' land, then why the government was continuing the criminal cases against the farmers,'' he asked from the government.
Meanwhile, Kishan Manch and Maharana Sangram Singh Kishan Sangarsh Samiti will take out a rally in Dhaulana in Gautam Buddha Nagar district on June 25, birthday of former Prime Minister late V P Singh, to celebrate the victory of the farmers in the Dadri case.
The rally will be addressed by CPI General Secretary A B Bardhan, Dr Girish and Kishan manch leader Vinod Singh.
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