भारतीय कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी का प्रकाशन पार्टी जीवन पाक्षिक वार्षिक मूल्य : 70 रुपये; त्रैवार्षिक : 200 रुपये; आजीवन 1200 रुपये पार्टी के सभी सदस्यों, शुभचिंतको से अनुरोध है कि पार्टी जीवन का सदस्य अवश्य बने संपादक: डॉक्टर गिरीश; कार्यकारी संपादक: प्रदीप तिवारी

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Communist Party of India, U.P. State Council

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बुधवार, 12 फ़रवरी 2014


The Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of India has issued following statement to the press:

The Secretariat of the Communist Party of India severely condemns the lathi-charge and use of water cannons on the peaceful demonstration of All India Students Federation today afternoon at the Parliament Street. The students were organizing demonstration on the call of AISF, for proper steps to implement Right to Education, Free education from K.G. to P.G; against privatization and commercialization of Education, against foreign universities, scraping of Lyngdo Committee report and democratize elections to students unions etc.

Thousands of students gathered near the Parliament Street and wanted to submit a memorandum to Education Minister. They were prevented. Police tried to disperse them by using water cannons and later resorted to brutal Lati-Charge. Even girl students were not spared. AISF President Syed Vali Ullah Khadri and many other students were severely injured and admitted in different hospitals. CPI demands action on Police Officers responsible for lathi-charge should be suspended and action should be initiated.


Office Secretary
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