शनिवार, 24 जनवरी 2015
at 4:27 pm | 0 comments |
following is the text of the political resolution for the 22nd Party
Congress, adopted by the national council of the CPI at its session in Nagpur
on January 16-18, 2015.
The 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of India is taking place at a time
when the country is facing a grave challenge as it is being driven to extreme
rightist direction, both politically and economically. It poses a serious
threat to our economic sovereignty as
well as to the secular democratic parliamentary system.
The advent of the Narendra Modi government as a result of the clear majority
for the Bhartiya Janata Party in the Lok Sabha election marks a definite
right-ward shift in the politics. As the corporate capital has staked everything
for the victory of the BJP-led NDA alliance that was actively and aggressively
backed by the RSS, the new government
clearly represents the combination of the interests of corporate capital,
rightwing ideology coupled with the worst form of majoritarianism and communalism.
Within the first six months, the new government has bared full its economic and
political agenda. Forgetting all its
promises on curbing price rise, bringing back the black money stashed away in
foreign banks, providing relief to the people suffering from economic
miseries, it has started pushing through the remaining agenda of neo-liberalism to shower concessions on corporate
capital, opening the Indian economy as a whole for the foreign finance capital and launching
onslaught on the democratic rights of the people particularly the working class
by unleashing imposition of anti-labour amendments in the hard-won legislations
of rights. Simultaneously, various wings
of the Sangh Parivar are raking up different divisive issues to hasten the process
of communal polarisation, the main political plank of the new dispensation.
The five-year rule of the UPA-II was marked by exposure of big scams and
scandals involving mind-boggling amounts. Corruption was actually the result of
unabated loot of the national and natural resources and sharing of this loot
among the corporate looters and the ruling politicians who facilitated the
loot. Scams like 2G Spectrum loot,
Coalgate, gas pricing, Adarsh Colony, CWG and other such ones rocked the nation
and people, particularly the younger generation that has kept itself aloof from political activities
came out on the streets and corruption became the focal point of public
Along with corruption, the failure of the government to curb ever increasing prices of almost all essential
commodities, growing attacks on women, rise in atrocities against Dalits and
other weaker sections, mad spree for land acquisition depriving farmers of
their land and livelihood under the garb of pushing through the industrialisation though it actually
helped the real estate mafias, growing unemployment, commercialisation of
education and public health system,
pushing up more and more out-sourcing, casualisation and
contractorisation of jobs and such other anti-working class measures compounded
the miseries of the masses already under stress due to the evil consequences of
the shameless pursuance of the policies of neo-liberalism imposed by the
international finance capital through its organisations like IMF and World
All these problems were fully exploited by the BJP. It was helped fully in its
bid by the Media, both electronic and print, that has been gradually monopolised
by the corporate houses. While development was projected as the main plank, the
Sangh Parivar was deployed in full strength to hasten the process of communal
polarisation of electorate. The corporate houses and the Media as well as
social Media did everything possible to side line the real socio-economic
issues as well as marginalise the Left that could have projected the real
programme-based alternative. Caste card was also used.
The success of this joint onslaught of the corporates and Sangh Parivar has
resulted in the victory of the BJP and with Narendra Modi, the man known for
his authoritarian bent of mind, the country faces a grave threat. It has thrown a challenge for the left and
democratic forces. The very secular democratic set up of the country and its
economic sovereignty are under threat.
Simultaneously it also has opened new opportunities to project a concrete
policy-based alternative to alleviate the miseries faced by masses and take
forward the country on the path of self-dependent economic development as well
as protect its secular democratic fabric.
For that expansion and strengthening of the left front that can play the
pivotal role in uniting all secular democratic forces, is the need of the hour.
The rightward shift in our country’s politics and the economic crisis that is
looming large is not an isolated one. It is very much the consequence of the
global economic crisis that is continuously deepening since the so-called Great
Recession that started in 2008. Though
the protagonists of neo-liberalism, now and then repeat the claim that great
recession is coming to an end, the crisis is yet not over. It is leading to
stagnation. It is not a cyclic crisis of capitalism but a specific crisis of
finance capital and cannot be resolved in the normal way. To pass on the burden
of the crisis on developing world, the developed nations, particularly the US
is frantically trying to establish the political and economic hegemony of
international finance capital. The rightward shift in different countries and
mushrooming growth of new political outfits, supposedly fighting corruption and
such other bye-products of neo-liberalism are tools of the finance capital to
divert the people’s attention from the real causes of the crisis as well as to
marginalise the Left world over.
The fight against neo-liberalism is gaining ground world over. The path
followed by the Latin American countries to liberate themselves from the
shackles of IMF-World bank is a shining example. The slogans like CINA (Capitalism Is No
Alternative) reverberating skies in different parts of the world and spread of
‘Occupy movements’ in different forms and slogans like ‘We are 99 per cent’
provide hope and will lead the masses to conclude that SOCIALISM IS THE ONLY
Global Economic Crisis and
Political Developments
The protagonists of neo-liberalism are yet not ready to accept the reality that
the global melt-down that started in 2008 is a structural crisis caused by the
attempts of the International Finance Capital to establish its political and
economic hegemony. They first called it
recession and when it deepened, double and triple recession. Now they term it
Great Recession. Though American economy had shown some signs of recovery as it
had been able to pass on its burden on others either by imposing economic
conditionalities or sparking troubles in different parts of the world to revive
its basic military-industrial complex, the rest of the world including the
developed European Union countries are still in turmoil and their economies are
facing threat of stagnation.
2. In the wake of the disintegration of the erstwhile
Soviet Union and collapse of socialist regimes in eastern Europe, it was proclaimed that history has come to an
end (end of class struggle) and the only path of development is capitalist
path. They propounded the theory of globalisation, privatisation and liberalisation.
What actually was meant by this mantra
was a total freedom for maximisation of
profits by all means and a license to loot natural resources in any part of the
world. As finance capital has neither
national character nor grooming in industrial activity, it was bound to be
brutal and inhuman in all its endeavours. We witness it in its manipulation for
pliable regimes by means of war, fratricide, civil war and ethnic and sectarian
clashes and ruthless promotion of right wing political forces and dictatorial
The Great Recession in America and European Union countries is an inevitable
outcome of the financial and economic system based on promoting debts and
borrowings. Not only families were lured to spend more than their income and
trapped in the web of ever-increasing loans and compound interest but even
governments were forced to traverse this disastrous course. The net result is
bankruptcy of banks and financial institutions in the first stage, and later
the bankruptcy of the governments themselves. Most of the European countries
are on the verge of bankruptcy. The bailout packages to banks, corporate sector
and maximum possible austerity measures meaning drastic cut in social sector
spending has no effect. Miseries of the people facing unemployment, cut in
wages and pension (in some cases abolition of pension schemes altogether) have
4. America is the most indebted country in the world. Most
of the US Treasury Bonds are held by the developing countries. China alone has
lent the US 1,270 billion dollars that is it holds more than one fourth of US
external public debt. This has caused turmoil in American economy. Every year
it faces shut down of the government when either of the Houses refuses to
enhance its borrowing limit. It happened in December 2014 as well. Now it finds the revival of its military industrial
complex and sale of nuclear reactor junks as the only alternative for revival.
Most of the European Union countries are mired in deep crisis as the common
currency Euro is continuously losing its value and may further stumble with
falling demands from Russia and China. It has already tumbled to a record low
against the dollar. Retrenchment has become the order of the day. In most of EU
countries unemployment ratio has crossed 20 per cent mark. Similarly, most of
them face heavy indebtedness. Public debt has exceeded 60 per cent of the GDP
in almost all the EU countries. All of them have drastically slashed the social
sector spending on a yearly basis. EU
countries including Britain have not only resorted to widespread retrenchment
but also stopped recruitment in various public sector units. Bailout packages
from European Union Bank and others are pre-conditioned with demand for more
and more “austerity” measures.
It is obvious that the economic crisis in which the developed economies are engulfed
cannot be resolved in the normal manner. The finance capital that is at the
root of the crisis is trying to pass on the burden on developing and emerging
economies by political measures, military intervention and using the weapon of
economic sanctions bypassing the United Nations Organisation and
its Security Council.
There is a definite rightward shift in the policies of most of the countries,
particularly the member countries of European Union. Rightist forces have
ascended to power in most of these countries. The new rightist ruling cliques
are taking measures to suppress the rising protest movements against
neo-liberalism. In the crisis-ridden
countries, the trends of fascism and racism are on rise. Rightist parties in
almost all EU countries have adopted racist slogans and hate campaign against
migrants as the main electoral plank.
To keep their control on natural resources, USA and its allies are militarily
intervening in regions and countries by sparking conflict among neighbours are
propping up disruptive movements that lead to civil strife. The nascent Arab
Spring movement has been totally thwarted.
The democratic upsurge that started with the people’s revolt in Tunisia and
soon engulfed the entire Middle East and North Africa has been thwarted by the
imperialist interventions. Except Tunisia where after a small span of Islamists
rule, the country has voted in favour of left-secularist coalition to power,
the movement has been sabotaged that has pushed the entire region in turmoil.
In Egypt, due to the haste shown by the Muslim Brotherhood in imposing its
obscurantist ideology, the imperialists have been successful in disrupting the
people’s movement and the followers and colleagues of erstwhile dictator Hosni
Mubarak have usurped power.
In Syria and Iraq, as a result of the direct and indirect intervention of the
imperialist powers, both the countries are suffering the horror of civil war.
Like Al Qaeda, the ISIS was also initially groomed by the American intelligence
agencies and that has turned into a monster. It has occupied certain parts of
territories in both the countries. With oil fields under their control, they
pose a serious threat to the entire region. Saudi Arabia and Qatar that had
actually financed and helped ISIS on behalf of USA are now facing the threat
from their own progeny.
While suppressing the people’s revolt in Bahrain to protect the oppressive
regime, the USA and its allies are behind the civil war in countries like Libya
and Yemen where they support different fundamentalist and ethnic groups under
the garb of backing democratic upsurge.
Several countries in African continents are also facing the onslaught of
religious fundamentalists and ethnic separatists. Nigeria is the worst affected
The crisis in Ukraine that started with the imperialist-backed ouster of
elected president of the country continues to aggravate. The imperialists are
not ready to accept the objective realities of the region and want to use
Ukraine as a tool to continue their dominance, particularly to restrict Russia
that has emerged as a power along with China and other BRICS nations as the main
hurdle to their plan of imposing uni-polar world order.
Apart from imposing unilateral economic sanction on Russia, the USA and allies
are manipulating the oil prices to destroy the Russian economy. The prices of oil, mostly from the Middle East controlled by US stooge rulers
are being manipulated to cause grave economic harm to Russia and to an extent
Iran that refuses to fall in the trap of imperialist powers.
As the imperialist agencies have used religious fundamentalism as a tool, it
has acquired menacing proportion. Terrorism based on religious fundamentalism
is getting credence in different parts of the world.
In our neighbourhood, Pakistani society is facing a serious threat from the
terrorist outfits based on religious extremism like Taliban. In certain tribal
areas, particularly in FATA and North Waziristan region, terrorists have been
able to float parallel administration. Despite the military operation in North
Waziristan, the Federal government headed by Nawaz Sharif lacks concrete and comprehensive
plan to root out terrorism. Pakistani
soil is being freely used by Taliban to organise attacks in Afghanistan and
In this period Bangladesh has witnessed many upheavals. The trial of the
war-criminals of 1971 liberation war is giving its verdicts case by case and
already many criminals have been brought to justice. At the same time the
conflict between the two main political parties and their uncompromising
attitudes are adversely affecting the democratic pace and rights of the people
thus fuelling tremendous discontent as well as contributing in the radicalisation
of the young people. The Left in Bangladesh is trying their best to rise on the
occasion and trying to mobilise the people of Bangladesh in defence of
secularism, democracy and rights of the people. The better relations and proper
response to the pending issues with Bangladesh from Indian side can bring some
positive changes in the present situation.
In Afghanistan, the dispute over presidential
election has been resolved for the time being but a stable regime in Kabul
continues to be a far cry. Taliban still holds sway in large parts of the
country and the ethnic discord in civil society is complicating the situation
further. Though NATO forces are winding up their bases, USA has announced that
its forces in limited number will continue to be in the country.
With the defeat of incumbent President Rajpaksa and election of joint
opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena as executive president, there is hope
that the process of restoration of parliamentary democracy and reconciliation
with the religious and linguistic-ethnic minorities will get a flip. Sincere
efforts will be made to reconcile with the World-wide demand for impartial
enquiry in massacre of Tamils and for constitutional devolution of power.
Ethnic discard in Sri Lanka needs to be resolved through political dialogue.
In Nepal, efforts are on to finalise a constitution for which the term of
constituent assembly has been extended repeatedly.
22. In the present situation the role of India in
addressing the issues involved with neighbouring countries particularly with
the countries belonging to SAARC with positive approach will definitely change the
current situation and will create conducive atmosphere for peace, stability and
cooperation in the region.
In several of the Asian countries where discontent against the economic
policies of neo-liberalism is growing, attempts are on to divert the attention
of the people from the real socio-economic issues by using NGOs and even
floating political outfits in the name of fighting corruption and
mis-governance. Indonesia, India,
Pakistan and Thailand have witnessed such political developments.
But all is not negative in the international situation. Above all, the American
attempts to impose uni-polar world order have been frustrated by various
international groupings. Formation of financial institutions like BRICS bank,
Asian Infrastructure Bank and growing cooperation among the emerging and
developing economies are significant developments. Even in institutions like
WTO and in Security Council on issues like military intervention in Syria, the
emerging economies have adopted common postures and taken joint actions to foil the plans of USA and its allies.
China continues with its experiment of pursuance of policies of market economy
to attain a certain level of economic development that can help in laying the
foundation of a socialist society. It will take decades to start building
socialism as the CPC claims. China has the highest rate of GDP growth and has
already emerged as the number two
economically developed country and may surpass USA in the next two decades.
In Vietnam, the three decades of economic renewal has brought rich dividend and
the country has attained the second position after China as far as the rate of
GDP growth is concerned. With additional
revenue, it has been able to flood in huge amount in social sector raising the
living standard of the people. Vietnam is reviewing the outcome of the
pursuance of policies of socialist-oriented market economy whose certain
negative features have come to fore.
The most significant victory has been made in Cuba. The people of Cuba along
with the international community that has expressed solidarity finally have
forced the USA to take appropriate steps to normalise the relations between USA
and Cuba. The US President finally acknowledged that the policy of hostility
and blockade for more than a half century had failed to isolate Cuba. The
release of “Five Cubans” in the US jail is also a great victory of the Cuban
people. But the issue of lifting embargo remains a big question though the vast
majority of the countries have been demanding and voting for lifting the
embargo against Cuba in United Nations for the last several years. The same
applies on the closing down of the US base in Guantanamo bay. So the solidarity
with Cuban people will continue till the total lifting of embargo is done and
other conspiracies against Cuba are stopped.
In this period several countries of Latin America have emerged as a model for
development by attaining great successes in the field of education, public
health and over all development. Though the imperialist interference in Latin
America continues, the current electoral victories of Left forces in Latin
America particularly in Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia and Uruguay along with other
countries in the region have shown the way by nationalising the natural
resources, tremendously increasing the funding of social sector with additional
revenues acquired, breaking the shackles of World Bank and IMF by floating
their own banking institution and having trade and exchange in their own
currencies. Even at regional level the formation of the Community of Latin America
and Caribbean States (CELAC) which includes 33 countries from that region
founded in 2011 emerged as a political alternative to the Washington-based
Organisation of American States (OAS). Latin American model is showing the path of
alternative policies to foil the plots of neo-liberalism and imperialism.
Though the initial enthusiasm shown during the movements under slogans like ‘We
are 99 per cent’ and ‘Occupy the Wall Street’ has not been sustained, sporadic
movements are aplenty. In a number of countries various segments of the people
are taking to streets on their sectional demands. Britain, France and Spain
witnessed big strike actions.
Absence of organised Left and failure to project alternative policies is the
biggest hurdle in politically capitalising the discontent. In countries like
Portugal, Spain and Greece, Left has gained electorally. CPRF in Russia has
acquired new strength and considerably increased its parliamentary
representation. In Ireland the increasing strength of Sinn Fein is also a positive
development. In Japan the Communist Party has tripled its representation in the
Lower House. In Nepal also the CPN (UML) has re-asserted its supremacy.
One of the most significant achievements is the cooperation among the communist
and workers’ parties world over. Various forms of cooperation among the parties
at sub-regional, regional and global levels are already in existence. Till now
seventeen international meetings of the communist and workers’ parties were
held. The meetings among the parties not only help to understand each other’s
problems but also contribute greatly for strengthening unity among the
communist parties for joint activities. CPI will continue to participate in
such activities at all levels.
An Overview of
Indian Economy
The crisis in the Indian economy is due to the failure of the neo-liberal
economic policies that the successive governments have been pursuing since
nineties. The new Narendra Modi dispensation has aggravated the crisis with its
shameless imposition of the remaining agenda of the neo-liberal policies. It is
showering concessions after concessions on corporate houses and heaping new
burdens on the people.
Contrary to the claims made during the first six months of the new government,
all indices of economy have shown negative results. The growth rate of GDP is
continuously declining and even the finance ministry has admitted that it will
be below five per cent at the end of the financial year. The GDP growth rate declined to 5.3 per cent
in the second quarter as compared to 5.7 per cent in the first quarter.
Manufacturing sector is at the centre of decline registering just 0.1 per cent growth in the second
quarter against the 3.5 per cent growth in the previous quarter.
Industrial production is also declining. In October it fell by 4.2 per
cent. Manufacturing sector that accounts
for 75 per cent of total factory output is stagnated to 7.6 per cent.
Unemployment is on rise. Outsourcing and contractorisation and casualisation are
s rampant. Labour laws are being amended to snatch away the hard won rights of
the working class.
to ILO unemployment rate in India is showing an increasing trend since 2011
when it was 3.5 per cent, the same rose to 3.6 per cent in 2012 and climbed to
3.7 the following year. It may rise to 3.8 per cent in 2014. Another worrying
factor is the decline in formal employment. Informal employment counts for 94
per cent of total employment.
National assets of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) are being handed over to
the private sector. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the sale
of 5 per cent stake in ONGC, 10 per cent
in Coal India, 11.36 per cent in NHPC to realise RS 43,800 crore. All
profit-making PSUs including Nav Ratnas are under hammer in the stock market.
Financial institutions, particularly public sector banks and insurance are
gradually being handed over to private sector, both national and international.
ratio of FDI in these sectors are being raised.
Planning Commission that was instrumental in creating national asset through
industrialisation via public sector has been abolished. It will adversely
affect economy. Even though there were weaknesses in the functioning of the
Planning Commission, it has done excellent job in industrialisation of the
economy. It was also responsible for working out sub-plans for weaker sections
and under developed areas. It has been replaced with an institution called NITI
that will have representatives of corporate houses and work for promotion of
public-private partnerships (PPPs), actually meaning total dismantling of public
sector and opening gates for free
Government has already announced measures to shower tax concessions on MNCs by
abolishing certain levies and changing laws to stop recovery of tax dues
The government has created a bad precedence by favouring a Rs 61,000 crore laon
to Adani group from SBI to develop a coalmine in Australia.
Amendments to the coal nationalisation Act has been moved to pave way for total
de-nationalisation of the coal industry. The government is doing everything to
ride over the apex court verdict in Coalgate scam that caused a loss of RS 1.86
lakhs crores. As most of them have taken huge loans from banks to develop
allotted coal blocks, the real loss is of over Rs 7 lakhs crore. Through an
ordinance, state governments have been authorised to auction non-coal mines as
well. Denationalization of such natural resources too has to be opposed.
The government is taking to ordinance route to impose neo-liberal policies.
During past eight months, ten ordinances have been issued.
All other natural resources are also being handed over to private sector at
throw-away prices.
Non Performing Assets (NPAs) of the nationalised banks is continuously
increasing. It was Rs 2.43 lakh crore as on September 30, 2014. In place of
recovering these loans, the government is working out plans to write off these
loans taken mostly by the corporate houses.
In the name of reducing the fiscal deficit, the government has announced
measures to drastically cut the budgeted funds for social sector. Already the
finance ministry has announced 25 per cent reduction in budgetary allocations
for education and public health sectors — for the current year as it has
consumed 86.2 per cent of budgeted deficit in first seven months.
‘Make in India’ based on export-oriented production is another fraud that will
ultimately kill small and medium level industries, pave way for assembling
units of MNCs and finally lead to de-industrialisation of the country.
All schemes and projects aimed at
providing relief to the suffering masses are being sabotaged. MGNREGA is being
abolished altogether.
The gap between the haves and have-nots is widening. The ratio between top 10
per cent and the bottom 10 per cent is 80:1.
Despite manipulation of figures, the number of people Below Poverty Line (BPL)
has increased.
to latest official figures 29.9 per cent of India’s population live below
poverty line. In 2012, in absolute term 363 million people were below poverty
line, high by 93 million estimated a year ago. It is more than Rangarajan Panel
estimates though the spending criteria of Rs 47 a day in urban areas and Rs 32
a day in villages has been retained.
17. Real wages are
continuously declining.
Inflation and continuous rise in prices of all essential commodities is the
biggest problem for our people. Despite seasonal fluctuation the actual
inflation is in double digit. Government is in no mood to take any concrete
measure to curb the prices. It has refused to re-amend the Essential
Commodities Act to control hoarding and ban future trading, the two main
weapons for manipulation of prices to maximise the profit.
In place of conceding demand for introducing universal public distribution
system to ensure food security the Union and state governments are gradually abolishing whatever is left of the PDS.
Economic and Social
Fallouts of Economic Neo-Liberalism
Under the neo-liberal regime outsourcing and contract employment have become
the norm in the job market. Call centres and such other points of employment
have totally obliterated the concept of fixed hours of work. Long working hours
fetching huge salaries (but without any social security) have given rise to a
segment of youth that has no social concern of their own. Week-end culture and
consumerism are becoming the norm.
Through advertisements and their financial hold on the media as a whole, the
corporates and MNCs have created and fostered a consumerist culture which has
lured the elites and a section of the middle-class. In turn it has built up a
huge consumer market for domestic and foreign business houses. Consumerism is
not denoted by expanding consumption of necessities according to the
requirements of a life style with better incomes, but with the growing desire
to acquire luxury goods, luxury brands flowing from the urge for a good life.
It leads to adopt more and more credit based family budget and entrap this
segment in debts and growing EMI shacks.
Sections of the middle class and the new elite segment of contract
workers are victims of this consumerist culture.
In the beginning, this elitist middle class was supposed to be the most ardent
supporter of economic neo-liberalism as it was part and parcel of the tiny
group of beneficiaries. But now the
deepening economic crisis and attempts by the corporates to pass on the burden
of crisis to others is making them realise the evil of this course of development.
For example, this particular segment is doubly hit with sky-rocketing
inflation. Apart from high prices, it has to pay enhanced EMIs for all loans as
and when the RBI raises repo rate. The repo is raised as and when RBI takes
measures to curb inflation.
Under the impact of globalisation and liberalisation, changes are taking place
in the employment profile in the country. Outsourcing, downsizing, contracting
out, home-working, casualisation, etc, have seriously cut into regular
employment at work places. In addition there are workers in the unorganised
sector and informal sector within the formal sector. Only seven per cent of the
work force is in the organised sector, the rest is in the unorganised sector.
The present policies are only adding to the latter number. The share of self-employment is also
shrinking. The country is in the grip of
jobless growth.
Hit by various miseries, consequences of economic policies pursued by the
successive governments, this segment of population too has started taking to
the streets. It was visible during the recent anti-corruption campaigns. Time
has come for the Left to work out a strategy to draw this segment of population
to the struggle for real socio-economic change. They can no more be left in the
clutches of NGOs and so-called Civil Society Groups who actually work to
de-ideologise and de-politicalise the masses. They blunt the class
consciousness and thus serve the interests of bourgeois class.
and Crony Capitalism
The relentless pursuit of neo-liberal economic reforms has propped up strata of
powerful corporate within the bourgeois class. Helped by the government
policies of pampering this section, the corporate houses have accumulated
unprecedented wealth and come to wield tremendous economic power. They are
emerging as private monopolies in several vital sectors, such as power, oil,
telecommunication and pose serious challenge to the public sector units in
these spheres. This section of the bourgeoisie in its ruthless quest for super
profits aims to extend its tentacles to other spheres of economy and also
extend operations abroad. Narendra Modi government furthers the interests of
this tiny group of capitalists.
The policies of liberalisation and globalisation have provided facilities for
the multinational corporations to set up bases in India. Indian corporate
houses are entering into a number of partnerships with these MNCs. Some
corporates have acquired the strength to buy up a few foreign businesses and go
in for mergers and acquisitions. With their economic and financial clout they
are able to influence policies not only in the economic but also in political
and other fields. The Nira Radia tapes exposed the extent to which corporates
can go to influence even the formation of the Union cabinet. In the present
regime, Adanis and Ambanis are seeking to dictate terms in the policy matters.
Corporatisation of economy and politics is also adversely affecting our
culture, literature, art and languages. Consumerism is the dominant trend in
these fields too.
Corporate capitalism in league with MNCs has created conditions for large-scale
corruption and the play of money-power in national life.
Actually, all the scams and scandals that came to light in the recent past are
rooted in the greed of capitalism to loot national resources. Such loot is shared with ruling politicians
and bureaucracy at the highest level.
After the U-Turn of Modi government on bringing back the black money stashed
away in foreign banks, the issue of parallel economy has become more
With whatever revelations made about the holders of foreign bank accounts for
black money, the politician-black-money-holders nexus has become obvious. Even
among the four names revealed in the Supreme Court, majority have been found
donating huge amounts to both the Congress and the BJP.
It is difficult to assess the size of black money, parallel economy and funds
siphoned off the country but it is astronomical. According to the Global
Financial Integrity, between 1948 and 2008, nearly 462 billion dollars, about
Rs 20.8 trillion are illegally siphoned off from India primarily to evade tax.
As per the report titled Drivers and
Dynamics of Illicit Finance Flows from 1948 to 2008, the author being
earlier a senior economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), states:
“It seems trade liberalisation merely provided more opportunities to related
and unrelated companies to mis-invoice trade, lending support to the contention
that economic reform and liberalisation need to be dovetailed with strengthened
institutions and governments, if governments are to curtail capital flight.”
an average, the annual illegal outflows from India between 1948 and 2008
amounted to 1.5 per cent of the gross domestic product. The outflows grew every
year by 6.4 per cent after adjusting for inflation. According to the same
report, the total value of illicit funds abroad represents 62 per cent of the
size of the India’s underground economy. Black money is estimated at 50 per
cent of India’s GDP, about Rs 39 lakh crores and is stashed in foreign banks.
India tops the list with almost dollar 1,456 billion in Swiss Banks. If the
money stashed in foreign banks is brought back, then 45 per cent of the poor
people can get one lakh rupees each. If this money comes back, India can repay
the entire foreign debt. If this surplus is invested, only interest from it
will be more than our annual budget. It is difficult to estimate the volume of
the illicit funds, but it is huge beyond any estimate and it is lack of
governance, corruption at all levels, failure to enforce the laws, ultimately
liberalisation without safeguards, that have resulted in such a colossal
draining out of India’s national resources.
governments all through ever since Independence had been reluctant to track
down the flow of illicit funds, no question of making any serious attempt to
recover the huge black money. The latest move, apparently under huge public
pressure and judicial strictures is only nominal and betrays all sense of
sincerity. While evasion of tax and
outflow of black money are growing, the government is persistently increasing
tax concessions. Liberalisation and market economy have provided no relief and
growth has benefited the rich and the affluent middle class.
dominance of market economy appears to have penetrated into the political
system to such an extent that whichever government comes to power, the economic
policies broadly remain the same. The U-Turn by the Modi government on black
money is just one example. Modi government is not ready even to make public the
list of black-money related account holders that is in its possession.
Many-fold Rise in
1. While in the
developed economies of Europe, the economic crisis is reflected in growing bankruptcy of banks and other financial
institutions, leading to the government’s bailout packages from public funds
resulting in shifting of the burden on the common people by enforcing cuts in
public funding of public services, social sector, cut in wages and pensions, as
well as growing unemployment, retrenchments, layoffs, etc, in the developing
world it is manifested through unprecedented rise of inflation, rampant
corruption and widening economic disparities. Black money stashed away in
foreign banks had always been a big problem in our country. Like UPA-II
government, Modi government is also trying to protect the owners of such black
money in the name of international treaties.
2. Since the
Narasimha Rao-Manmohan Singh duo opted for economic neo-liberalism in the garb
of economic reforms in early nineties, corruption has become all pervasive. Not
only the number of scams and scandals involving top political functionaries has
gone up, the amount involved in such scams is also mind-boggling. Starting with Jain Hawala scandal and Harshad
Mehta share market scam, we have come to scams like 2G spectrum, Commonwealth
Games scam, writing off of NPAs by top bankers, Adarsh Housing Society scam,
Coalgate, KG-basin scam, so on and so forth. In all these scams and scandals,
one or the other corporate house is party to the loot along with ministers and
3. This loot of
national wealth and the mind-boggling amount involved in recently revealed
scams have made the common people, particularly the educated urban masses, very
disturbed. They have started linking all their miseries to the all pervasive
corruption, though it is just one of the bye-products of economic
neo-liberalism. The recent huge participation of urban middle class in the
agitations against corruption is reflection of growing anger among people. The
CPI is for a strong and effective Lokpal Act. It spelt out its position, along with
other left parties by moving concrete amendments to the official Lokpal
Labour Rights under
1. An essential part of the
economic policies of Narendra Modi government is to deprive the working class
of all its hard-won trade union rights. The prime minister and finance minister
are repeatedly assuring that their government is committed to “industry
friendly” and “investment friendly” labour law reforms.
2. BJP government of Rajasthan
started the over-hauling of labour laws and now the Narendra Modi government
has taken it over. Already certain crucial laws have been amended and government
has plans to totally over-haul the labour laws to deprive workers and employees
the right to organise trade unions and legitimate struggles for collective
Urbanisation and Its
Urbanisation has got momentum with the mad pursuance of the economic
neo-liberalism by the Union and state governments. It gets boost with the
increasing migration of rural workforce due to the shrinking of job
opportunities in agriculture and allied sectors. The most negative feature of
the process of urbanisation is the unprecedented dominance of real estate
sector by land mafias. The acquisition of land in fraudulent manner is a
continuous menace that is ruining the lives of millions. The nexus of land and
builder mafia, ruling politicians and bureaucracy is playing havoc. Millions
are being dislodged from their land. The recent changes in land acquisition
laws will further aggravate the situation.
Another aspect of this unplanned urbanisation is more and more privatisation of
most of the civic amenities heaping new economic burden on the urban
population. Even supply of drinking water has been privatised in a number of
cities and towns. Migrant labour also adversely affects the wager system.
The most disturbing feature is the total neglect of provision of proper housing
for the weaker sections of the society. Even housing schemes for these sections
are being misappropriated by land and builder mafias. The party needs to take
up the phenomenon of unprecedented urbanisation and its negative fallout more
seriously. Reviving party bases and creating new one in the new cities and
metro has assumed added importance.
Crisis in Agriculture
Since the last 15 years, the Indian agriculture sector is witnessing
continuously chronic crises resulting in the decline of agricultural
productivity. It is also a matter of grave concern that cultivable land is
shrinking. As per the NSSO report 40 per cent of farmers want to quit
agriculture and take up other suitable alternate livelihood avenues. Also, 3.5
per cent of agriculturists join the rank of agri-labourer per annum. The farmer
is caught in a pair of scissors, with rising costs of inputs and
un-remunerative prices of agricultural products. On top of all this, bank
credit has dried up and indebtedness to private money lenders has grown. Even
as subsidies for agriculture rise in the West, the very minimal life support
and subsidies to our farmers are being cut. The small and marginal farmers are
unable to participate in the market due to various restraints. They look on
helplessly on the market forces and hoarders.
2. Agricultural growth has also
dipped to 3.2 per cent from 5.7 per cent in the same quarter last year
reflecting a serious agrarian crisis affecting more than 60 per cent population
who live in rural India. Even the area sown for foodgrain production has
declined, particularly the area sown with kharif pulses and core cereals. A
preference of the farmers for cash crop and turning away from food production
is visible. The crisis in agriculture is visibly reflected in the slow growth
during the period 2004-05 to 2010-11. It is only three per cent. During the
first quarter of 2011-12 this sector grew only by 3.9 per cent. The gross
capital formation in agriculture as a proportion of the total capital formation
in the economy has been on decline both in the public and private sectors. It
declined from 17.3 per cent on an average during 1970 to 1980 to 11.6 per cent
during the following decade and on an average only nine per cent during 1990 to
1994, a sordid story how agriculture has been starved of public investments and
funds over decades. It has further declined in the first decade of new century.
3. Land is increasingly being
diverted from agriculture to non-agricultural purposes in the name of development.
Land acquisition is playing havoc. As land is snatched away from the farmer on
different pleas, he and the agricultural worker as well as all those who depend
on cultivation for their survival lose their livelihood. The latest moves by
the Modi government to drastically alter the Land Acquisition Act of 2013, even
through ordinance, will open floodgate for depriving farmers of their valuable
multi-crop irrigated land.
4. Cultivation area is shrinking at
a time when agricultural production relative to population growth is not
keeping pace. Rising costs of production and falling prices have pushed 60 per
cent of farmers to indebtedness. Lakhs of farmers are being driven to suicide.
In the past 10 years more than half a million farmers have committed suicide.
In states like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and
Chhattisgarh, 1,22,823 farmers have committed suicide. During the past few
months, incidents of farmer suicides are taking place even in West Bengal and
Kerala. Vidarbha is witnessing suicides on a daily basis.
5. During the ‘reform period’ with
liberalism as the guiding policy, bank credit to agriculture has come down and
private lending has gone up. Instead of
arresting the ever declining bank credit, the government has created new
Mahajans under the garb of ‘Accredited Loan Providers’. Now bank loans are
routed through this vehicle and even petrol providers. As market rate is the
mantra, interest rate floats upward making the farmers’ lives more miserable.
Micro-finance system is being used to exploit the needy people, particularly in
rural areas by charging exorbitant rate of interest on the amount received from
banking sector on nominal interest rates. Minimum interest rate charged is 35
per cent.
In the name of private participation in agriculture, the government has
permitted corporate and contract farming.
Mechanized farming by the new entrants has adverse impact on job
opportunities in the agriculture sector. The unresponsive attitude of the
government to the recommendations of NCF and problems related to organic
farming too need special attention.
MNCs like Monsanto and Cargill are pushing ahead with their seed-fertiliser-pesticide
strategy in our agriculture. The high cost, high risk and ecologically damaging
‘Genetically Modified’ technology is not the solution for our agrarian crisis.
It will further damage the Indian agriculture.
Under the garb of promoting corporate farming, central as well as several state
governments are distorting the concept of land reform and violating the land
ceiling laws itself.
Ban on forward trading of agriculture produce has been lifted. The government
has signed free trade agreement with ASEAN and European Union that will pave
negative cascading effect on our agriculture producers.
The government surrendered to American-EU pressure on the issue of reserve
stocks of food grains as well as subsidy to farmers during WTO negotiations. It
will damage agriculture sector and endanger the concept of food security.
Outline of an Alternative
to Economic Neo-Liberalism
shameless pursuance of economic neo-liberalism by bourgeois governments of UPA
and NDA or other parties have dipped the country in the mire of ever deepening
economic crisis. The global meltdown has further aggravated the crisis. India
needs to reverse the present strategy of economic growth per se. India needs a new
strategy which is employment-friendly and people-friendly and bases itself on a
fuller use of the capital — both public and private and on the available human
resources. Such a strategy should undertake steps and policies for poverty
reduction as a matter of priority. This is the real strategy of ‘inclusive
* The industrial growth should base itself on available
financial and natural resources and must be employment-oriented. Due
consideration be given to protection and development of handicraft and cottage
industries that provide jobs to a big segment of our population. FDI should be
restricted to the extent developed technology and know-how is required.
Domestic market should be reserved for locally produced industrial products to
the extent possible. In place of falling prey to slogans like ‘Make in India’
emphasis should be on expanding the domestic market by enhancing the purchasing
power of the people.
* People-oriented
strategy as an alternative to economic neo-liberalism should lay greater
emphasis on investment in social sector by launching initiatives in spheres of
education, skill development, health care, housing, increased access to finance
by creating social funds for developing local communities.
* Public funding in agriculture and allied
industries must be increased many fold.
It will create conditions for take-off to a higher stage of all-round
development and at the same time raise India’s human development index.
*An alternative programme should be based on a pro-people
strategy of agrarian reforms which defend the interests of farmers and
agricultural labourers and an employment-friendly policy of economic growth. It
should be for farmers’ right to land, the youth’s right to employment and
education, the people’s right to food, shelter and health care. Land reform
must be in focus. Bandopadhyay Committee report on Bihar may provide basis for
struggles on this issue. To help the farmers, particularly the small and
marginal ones, new type of co-operative formations are needed that should
counter menace of corporatisation.
* Comprehensive plan for augmenting irrigations facilities in
the non-irrigated areas.
* Public sector should be preserved and expanded. Its working
must be democratised by involving the workers and their trade unions at the
unit level. All attempts of disinvestment of PSUs must be halted. Protectionism
has to be imposed. Handicraft and cottage industry should be encouraged and
helped to go for export-oriented production. Financial and technological
upliftment of these sectors is the need of the hour.
* The small-scale and
tiny industries play an important role in our industrial sector. It contributes
40 per cent of industrial production and about 35 per cent share in exports. It
employs about 20 million workers. The government’s bias for the big
industrialists has let them withdraw several items from the list reserved for
the SSI sector. The government has also lifted the cap on FDI in SSI sector.
This has led to take over by foreign capital or closures. The global meltdown
has hit the SSI sector very badly. The new strategy has to be to halt this
disaster by providing protection. Banks must provide liberal loans and other
packages to enable SSIs to compete in both the local and international market.
More attention needs to be paid on expanding and strengthening the cooperative
movement. Export-oriented ‘Make in India’ plan will be most harmful for small
and medium industries.
* Introduction of
universal public distribution system with 35 kgs of foodgrains at a maximum
price of Rs 2 a kg per month for all families. Food security law should be
passed to ensure this.
* Separation of religion and state as the
basic principle of secularism to be embedded in the Constitution; firm action
to curb communal forces. Promotion of rationalism and scientific temper should
be the core of education system.
* It should fight gender inequality, bias
and discrimination and for empowerment of women.
*It should defend secularism, genuine rights of the minorities
and take specific measures to uplift the deprived segments of our population
like SCs/STs/OBCs and minorities and bring them to the mainstream of
Drift in Foreign Policy
Foreign policies of the countries are generally an extension of their internal
particularly the economic policies. The Narendra Modi government from day one
has shown its drift towards USA. As the new government is totally committed to
implement the left-over agenda of neo-liberalism under the direct influence
of its initiator, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), the
tools of international finance capital that is bent upon imposing its economic
and political hegemony world over, more and more drift from the course of
pursuing independent foreign policy for which there had been a more or less
national consensus is becoming visible.
The talk of “strategic partnership” is no more confined to either the economic
issues or specific to USA. Narendra Modi government is going all out to expand
relations in all fields, particularly in defence with USA and its crony in
Middle East, the Zionist state of Israel. The defence procurement from Israel
had reached to peak during the UPA-II
regime itself, under Modi, it is now
becoming all embracing relationship,
sacrificing our traditional friendship with Arab countries. Recently,
the foreign ministry leaked hints to say that India will no more support the
cause of Palestine in the forums of UNO.
The concept of strategic partnership is being expanded to Japan and
Australia, the trusted allies of USA.
In the era of globalisation of economy,
regional cooperation and close interaction among the developing and
emerging economies have become vital. Modi regime is cold shouldering this
aspect of our policy. SAARC summit at Kathmandu got white-washed because our
government tried to use this multi-state forum to score points on Indo-Pak
relations. In the BRICS too, we played a
passive role, particularly in relation to the establishment of the BRICS bank
that could play an important role in foiling the US bid for a uni-polar world
order. The same applies on our role in Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO),
formation of Asian Infrastructure Bank and cooperation within WTO and other
international bodies.
In the present international scenario, India has to preserve and carry forward
the foreign policy that promotes close relationship with our neighbours, bring
together the developing and emerging economies, join forces with people
fighting against neo-colonialism and imperialism and for world peace. Narendra
Modi government’s policies are just opposite to this.
Unfortunate aspect of the present government’s foreign policy is that the internal communal atmosphere has
also started affecting our foreign policy, particularly in relation to Pakistan
and the Arab world.
Since the last Party Congress, the country’s politics has undergone drastic
changes. With the formation of the NDA
government headed by Narendra Modi, a definite rightward shift has occurred.
The new government represents the combination of corporate capital, right wing
ideology and rabid form of communalism. Within the first eight months, the
government has fully bared its socio-economic and political agenda.
With BJP gaining absolute majority in the Lok Sabha on its own, the coalition
era seems to be over, at least for the time being. After the Lok Sabha polls, BJP has won power
in Haryana, Jharkhand and Maharashtra. Though there had been reverses for the
party in the bye-elections to various assemblies, particularly in UP and
Rajasthan, BJP has been able to spread its political influence in different
parts of the country. The results of recent Jharkhand and J&K assembly
elections have further confirmed this trend.
But this also needs to be noted that in comparison to Lok Sabha results,
BJP’s vote share has declined everywhere.
The Lok Sabha poll results and the victories of BJP in different state assembly
elections have also exposed the fallacy of our present electoral system.
‘First-Pass-the-Post’ system that we have been following till now enables a
party securing just around thirty per cent of the vote to capture the power. Electoral
reforms with inclusion of proportional representation have become the need of
the hour.
4. On economic front
it is shamelessly and ruthlessly
imposing the policies of neo-liberalism, politically it is using
different outfits of the Sangh Parivar to hasten the process of communal
polarisation, the main political tactics
of the Modi-Amit Shah duo. For the first time, RSS, the mother organisation of
BJP is directly interfering in the functioning of the government and even
dictating terms. Pracharaks from the RSS have been inducted, not only in BJP
but also in the government. Penetration of Sanghis and their ideological
cronies in crucial government departments, academic and research institutions
and even security and intelligence agencies is being carried out
The very formation and expansion of the union cabinet has bared the style of
functioning of the government under Narendra Modi whose individualism and
authoritarian bent of mind is visible. He is sidelining all possible challenges
to his authority and filling the party and governmental posts with his own
choice. In the process, he is clearly flouting the established norms of
democratic functioning and even bypassing the parliamentary procedures.
The ruling combine does not have majority in the Rajya Sabha. In place of
building consensus, the Narendra Modi government is resorting to Ordinance Raj.
The basic idea is to facilitate the takeover of our natural resources by the corporate
and crony capitalists. Already it has been done in the case of coal, insurance
and land. To woo the MNCs various laws are being amended through ordinances.
This style of functioning poses grave danger for our parliamentary democratic
system itself. Thus the challenges posed by the rightward shift in politics
have become manifold. Economic sovereignty, secular polity, rule of law,
parliamentary democratic set up and everything that the people have cherished
are under threat. Every aspect of the threat is equally grave and one should
not commit the blunder of prioritising the one over other.
With Media becoming a tool of the new regime as most part of it has been taken
over by the corporate houses, every attempt will be made to distract people’s
attention from the socio-economic issues faced by the people. Communalism is a
double-edged weapon in the present context. On the one hand, it hastens the
process of communal polarisation, the main political tactics of Modi team and
on the other distract people’s attention from the real issues.
The communal threat has acquired dangerous proportion due to rise of minority
communalism as well. In the absence of cherishable ideal, religiosity has
gained ground in almost all religious communities, but it is turning into
fundamentalism in minority communities due to fear psychosis generated by
fierce onslaught of the majority communalism. Minority communalism ultimately
becomes complimentary to the majority communalism.
As the corporate houses and their political tools are well aware that it is
only the left parties that are capable of presenting a pro-people alternative
programme, based on a set of socio-economic policies that counter and refute
the anti-people economic neo-liberalism, all efforts are on to marginalise the
Left. In the run up to the Lok Sabha election itself, all efforts were made to
marginalise the left parties. Pliable regional parties were too manipulated for
the purpose. This attack on the Left will get sharpened in the coming days.
The current political developments have added urgency to the need for
strengthening and widening of the left unity. The coming together of the six left
parties — the CPI, CPI (M), CPI (ML), Forward Bloc, RSP and SUCI(C) — in
November and the joint campaign launched by them is a welcome move. But it is
not sufficient. The platform needs to be further widened and expanded and more
comprehensive unity in action needs to be built.
Direct Interference of
Unlike the previous NDA government headed by Atal Behari Vajpayee, Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) , the mentor of BJP, is directly interfering in the
affairs of the government as well as the BJP. It has deputed its pracharaks for
the government as well as the party organisation. Major policy decisions
particularly in the realm of education, social and cultural affairs,
information and broadcasting are being “cleared” by the RSS. Penetration of
individuals committed to Hindutva is on in different fields. History and
syllabus are being revised from the point of view of Hindutva forces. Even
Science Congress is being used to spread obscurantism. While corporate houses
are masters for economic policies, the rest is being directly handled by the RSS.
This poses a serious threat to our parliamentary system as RSS continues to claim
to be an apolitical organisation.
Apart from directly interfering in the functioning of the government, various
outfits of the Sangh Parivar have launched disruptive movements with very
provocative slogans targeting the country’s secular fabric. Ayodhya controversy
is being revived (even people holding constitutional posts like governor are
indulging in it). All disruptive issues that were shelved during Vajpayee
regime are being revived. From Love
Jihad to Ghar Wapsi and from bid to denigrate Father of Nation by terming his
killer Nathuram Godse as ‘patriot’ to indirectly cancelling minorities’
festival holidays, all are aimed to hasten the process of communal polarisation
and disrupt the concept of unity in diversity. Most obscurantist ideas on
science and our cultural heritage are being promoted by the government itself.
Flagship Programme in
Narendra Modi government has made it clear that spending on social sector will
be curtailed as the only way to reduce fiscal deficit. For the year 2014-15,
already the government has announced reduction of 25 per cent in budgeted funds
for education and health sector. It wants these two sectors to be totally
privatised and commercialised.
Though MGNREGA was already under attack during the UPA-II regime, the Modi
government wants to completely abandon the job-oriented scheme. While cut in
allocation of funds to state and their non-utilisation was prevalent in the
previous regime as well, it has become an admissible routine feature under new
government. MGNREGA has to be protected by mobilising the concerned segments of
the masses.
Electoral Reform
result of the Lok Sabha polls where the BJP with just 31 per cent of votes has
captured 52 per cent seats, the folly of the current First-Pass-the-Post system
has been thoroughly exposed. Besides, with the growing mass consciousness
against corruption, the demand for electoral reform is getting revived. Our
party has always demanded comprehensive electoral reform. It believes that the
present system of First-Pass-the-Post only breeds corruption. It should be
replaced with appropriate proportional representation system. There are several
reports, including one by Indrajit Gupta Committee on electoral reform. They
must be taken up for comprehensive electoral reforms. Reforms must aim at
curbing role of money and muscle power and combating communalism and casteism.
The party must initiate a mass campaign for meaningful electoral reforms.
Jammu & Kashmir
sensitive border state of Jammu and Kashmir continues to be a trouble spot. Although
the militancy witnessed during the past one-and-a-half decade has come down,
the lack of development and job opportunities, have made the youth restless.
Besides, continued deployment of armed forces, use of AFSPA and violation of
human rights also generate troubles. AFSPA must be gradually withdrawn from
Kashmir as well as N-E region.
70 per cent of people in J&K participated in the recently held assembly
election. But this should not lead to misconception that the basic problem is
talking to Pakistan to resolve the J&K problem, the Centre should take
concrete steps to grant adequate autonomy to the state and autonomy to the
regions within the state. Special economic package needs to be implemented
sincerely. All efforts should be made to involve people and political forces of
J&K for negotiating a permanent solution.
North-Eastern States in
The North-Eastern states continue to be in turmoil. In Assam, frequent
recurrence of ethnic and communal violence reflects the failure of the state
government in resolving the long-standing issues and maintaining law and order.
The coming to power of a rabid communal party at the centre has given a flip to
communal and other divisive forces.
Hundreds of lives have been lost during the past ten months in
frequently recurring communal violence. The issue of infiltration from
neighbourhood and questions of citizenship of those who have migrated much
earlier still spark fire. The issues need to be resolved with all dimensions
keeping in mind to maintain communal harmony and peace in the region.
In Manipur, the activities of separatists as well as the oppressive measures
used by the para-military forces continue to be the basic reason for the
turmoil in this state. Territorial integrity of the state needs to be protected
as it is repeatedly threatened by slogans and movements for Greater
Economic packages announced have either remained on paper or have been
embroiled in corruption. Development of the region still remains a dream.
AFSPA that has been grossly misused and has become a tool for human rights
violation and oppression by military and para-military units need to be lifted
from Manipur as well as from all North-Eastern states gradually.
states need special attention and a comprehensive plan for development while protecting the ethnic and cultural
identities of people in this region .
Left-Ruled States
From among the three Left-ruled states — West Bengal,
Kerala and Tripura — only in Tripura, the Left Front retained power for the sixth
consecutive term. It continues to be an ideal, not only in Tripura but also for
the people all over the country for its good governance and pro-people
In Kerala, the LDF lost narrowly in breaking the
record of alternating power between the LDF and Congress-led UDF. But LDF
continues to be a force to be reckoned with due to its consistent struggle on
people’s issues.
The situation in West Bengal is alarming as the TMC led
by Mamta Banerjee that came to power unleashed a reign of terror against he Left.
Attacks on left leaders, cadres and offices of the left parties continue to be the
main plank of TMC and its government. The state is in turmoil as law and order
situation is worsening regularly and people are getting disillusioned due to
failure of the state government in fulfilling the promises.
On the other hand rampant corruption involving
ministers and leaders of TMC is yet another cause of people’s disillusionment.
There are also accusations against them for cooperating and collaborating with
terrorist elements from Bangladesh.
This situation is being fully exploited by the BJP
and various outfits of Sangh Parivar who have launched fierce communal offensive
to intensify the process of communal polarisation.
The Left in West Bengal is re-asserting itself by
countering the challenges posed by both the TMC and its government and the BJP
helped by Sangh Parivar.
Commercialisation of
Under the neo-liberal regime, education system is being privatised and
commercialised on an unprecedented scale.
The so-called Right to Education Act (RTE) that came into force since
April 1, 2010 is also being used to further commercialise the education system
and make higher education out of reach of the children of even lower-middle
class. Education is a right not the
privilege. Only 15 per cent of the total number of students enrolled in the
first standard are availing the higher education facilities. There is no set up for equal education
opportunities. Education sector has become the most profit-making sector in
Education sector has been opened for foreigners to open their shops under the
garb of opening universities and educational institutions of higher studies.
This will lead to further commercialisation of education. International education
mafias are treating India as a 700-million-dollar education market. It will
directly affect our national education system. The concept of equal educational
opportunities for all will be totally distorted.
Under the garb of public-private partnership the government is going ahead with
the target of totally privatising the education sector. Even the institutions that built
infrastructure with the liberal grants from UGC/ ICHR/ ICSR and such other
government agencies, as well as got land on nominal rates are gradually being
handed over to education mafias.
The CPI stands for reservation in admission to educational institutions, to SCs,
STs, OBCs, minorities and other weaker sections and it should be enforced on the
private educational institutions at all level. Minority educational
institutions should be forced to grant admission to deprived segments from
within the community. Exemption granted by the apex court should not be used
for “selling” the seats.
With RSS taking over the portfolio of HRD, basic education system itself is
under threat. Penetration of Sanghis to distort history and other syllabus has
to be combated.
Children from 0 to 18 years of age must get free and compulsory education as a
matter of basic right. Computer software must be made available free to all
students. Scientific and technical education must be within the reach of all.
Education should aim at developing scientific temper. All attempts for
distorting this concept have to be resisted.
Dalits and Adivasis
They are the most deprived sections of our society. The fruits of development
have not reached them. Together Dalits
(16 per cent), the Adivasis (8.5 per cent) and Muslim minorities (16 per cent)
make up nearly 40 per cent of our population.
When such a vast section of our society remains deprived and distressed,
neither democratic movement can advance nor real development can take place.
The march of globalisation and shameful pursuance of policies of economic
neo-liberalism have most adversely affected the Adivasis who have been
displaced from their land, water and other natural resources and chased out of
their forest dwellings. Among over two crore people displaced from their land,
40 per cent are Adivasis. Most of the uprooted people are in wilderness as
there is no proper follow up for their rehabilitation. Paltry amounts paid as
compensation cannot help them to arrange their livelihood. Adivasis are also
displaced for exploration of mineral wealth. Ecology is adversely affected. The
latest changes in land acquisition laws will multiply their miseries. Their
resistance is met with fierce repression that paves way for the exploitation of
their grievances and anger by extremist elements like Maoists. POSCO episode is
an example.
In place of addressing their just demands and grievances the ruling classes
adopted the sinister design of making Adivasis fight Adivasis by organising and
arming a section from among them and setting up their armed camps in most
affected areas like Bastar of Chhattisgarh.
The most sinister of such formation was known as Salwa Judum that was
patronised by both the Congress and BJP. Despite order of Supreme Court for
disbanding of Salwa Judum, the ruling classes continue to carry on operations
in the garb of fighting Maoists resulting in mass killings. The pretext of
fighting the Maoists has also been used to target the mainstream left forces,
particularly those belonging to CPI that has considerable influence in the
region. A number of CPI cadres are still languishing in jails on cooked up
charges. A recent alarming development is induction of armed forces in
Maoist-infested areas.
With the positive intervention by the CPI and other left parties, Forests Right
Act was passed in 2006. But the government has been wavering on implementing
this law that provides for continued habitation of forests by Adivasis. For
centuries Adivasis have been protectors of forests and coexisted with wild
life. It is the forest officials, forest mafia and contractors in collision
with capitalists that have destroyed our forest wealth. The threat of evicting
forest dwellers and denying them their due rights on one or other plea is a
genuine one. While struggling for honest implementation of the said Act to the
benefit of the Adivasis, we must also take up issues like reservation in jobs
and education and other concessions that are announced. Grassroots struggles
for the implementation of these measures are a must.
The policy of reservation was worked out by the leaders of the freedom movement
and the framers of the Constitution, with a view to help the Dalits and
Adivasis to overcome their age-old deprivation, the stigma of untouchability,
caste-based discrimination and to bring them up to the level of the mainstream
human advance. Though reservation has helped in bringing up a section of middle
class among the Dalits, it has not broken the caste system nor allowed the
Dalits to break out of Chatur Varna.
The pursuance of neo-liberalism is in effect reversing the policy of
reservation and handing over the neglected and discriminated sections of
society to the cruel hands of private capital. The demand for more technocrats
and skilled workers by private capital is limiting the job opportunities for
Dalits and Adivasis. This justifies the demand for extending reservation to the
private sector.
While working among the Dalits we come across certain leaders from among them
that counterpose ideological questions like ‘caste versus class’ and some of
them take open anti-communist positions under the garb of posing Ambedkarism
against Marxism to alienate the Dalits from the mainstream left and democratic
movement. The attempt needs to be foiled by conducting ideological work based
on concrete socio-economic realities of our society.
Sub-plans for Dalits and Adivasis have been formulated at different levels of
governance but the implementation has been hazardous and in some cases the
state governments have diverted funds for such plans to some other projects.
CPI should be vigilant in getting such sub-plans adequate fund, proper
formulation and implementation. The party at the grassroots must also take up
result-oriented struggles for making all benefits available to the Dalits that
are announced for them.
CPI stands for abolition of discrimination among Dalits and Adivasis on the
basis of the religion they profess. Presidential order of 1950 must be
CPI stands for application of Sixth Schedule of the Constitution in all tribal
areas including Bastar where their population is around fifty per cent.
Other Backward Classes
The CPI has always recognised that in our country class and caste divisions are
two aspects of social reality. Communists have to fight against all forms of
discrimination based on castes, if we do not want class unity to be disrupted
by caste divide. We should also note that by and by class differentiation has
taken place among sections of OBCs (about 52 per cent of our society) and
Dalits, though not so much among the scheduled tribes. A middle class is coming
up in some sections of Dalits, while among the OBCs (excluding the most
backwards), both middle class and bourgeois elements have appeared. These
elements sometimes whip up casteism both against the age-old casteism (Manuvad)
which the forward castes have been practising through centuries, but also
against other castes within their own categories. It gives rise to mutual
conflicts. The Gujjar agitation in Rajasthan is one such case. While upholding the banner of social justice
to the weaker sections, the party must ensure that such claims are reconciled
peacefully and that unity is maintained.
Dalits, Adivasis and the most backward among the OBCs are the most oppressed
sections of our society and need to be mobilised and organised, on their
specific demands as well as for the broader struggle against economic
neo-liberalism. Without them we cannot expand the communist movement in the
Muslim and Other
Since the presentation of Sachar Committee report and Ranganath Mishra
Commission report, the two entities appointed during the UPA-I regime that was
dependent on the Left support for survival, the debate within the Muslim
minority community got focused on
socio-economic upliftment of the community for a short duration. It was a
departure from the past when the community has always been used as ‘vote bank’
by one or the other bourgeois political parties by promoting sentimental
issues. The shift from political emotionalism or emotional politics can be
carried forward, if we take up the genuine grievances and demands of the
community for speedy redressal.
The minorities, particularly the Muslims, look upon the Left as the most ardent
champion of secularism and fighter for the rights of the minorities. Consistent
anti-imperialist positions of the Left too have attracted the Muslims towards
it. But all this evaporates when emotional issues rock the community.
To divert attention from the real socio-economic issues, attempts have been
unleashed on futile debates like reservation for the community as a whole. CPI
has been demanding since 1975 that all professional communities among the
Muslims be recognised for all socio-economic benefits including reservation in
education and employment on par with their professional counterparts among the
majority community. Besides, CPI stands for abolition of discrimination on the
basis of religion in recognising the Dalits and Adivasis.
The reservation pattern announced by the Left Front government in West Bengal
during its last days and the formula evolved by the Achutha Menon ministry in
Kerala long back may provide the basis for evolving a mechanism and system to
end discrimination against minorities in the matter of employment and
As large segments of the Muslim community belong to various artisan communities
like weavers, government must announce special packages for their promotion.
The party must take up the implementation of these packages and other schemes
like scholarships at the grassroot level.
It is high time that our comrades at grassroots level take up implementation of
the measures announced in the wake of Sachar report and create our own base
among them. Under Narendra Modi, the ministry for minority affair is virtually
diluting all the schemes that were announced in the past. Minority related
projects have been specifically targeted under the plans for reducing fiscal
deficit by cutting social sector budget allocations. Communists have to boldly
champion the cause of the minorities. By perpetuating the socio-economic and
educational backwardness among such a large section of our population we can
neither advance the democratic movement nor ensure real progress and prosperity
of the country.
Christian minority too has come under attack during the recent period,
particularly in BJP-ruled states like MP, Gujarat and Chhattisgarh as well as
in Delhi, Odisha and Karnataka. Our
party has to fight all sorts of oppression on minorities. Our comrades should
help organisations like All India Tanzeem-e-Insaf that fight for realisation of
genuine demands of the minorities.
The latest offensive of Sangh Parivar for re-conversion has created a fear
complex in the minority communities. The sinister design need to be opposed
In the absence of any ideal to attract the masses, there is general shift to
religiosity in all communities, particularly so in the minority communities. It
leads to religious extremism and fundamentalism.
Women Empowerment
1. Without active participation of women who constitute
almost 50 per cent of our population in social and political life, it is not
possible to bring about rapid advance and radical transformation in the
country. Though the economic necessities and changing times are forcing more and
more women to come out of their homes for jobs and employment, they continue to
face feudalistic attitude at work sites as well as in their homes. They are
even discriminated in the matter of remunerations paid for the services
rendered except in government and PSU jobs.
The girl child is denied even the right to be born. She is victim to female
feticide, particularly in the affluent families. This has resulted in continued
decline in sex ratio. The demographic
imbalance in our population is a matter of serious concern. The girl child
faces discrimination even in the matter of nutritional needs and access to
Apart from feudal and patriarchal outlook, volunteerism is a new weapon to
exploit women. Asha, Anganwadi and mid-day meal workers are being exploited
under the garb of volunteerism.
Whereas feudal and traditional patriarchal value system continues to oppress
and degrade women, globalisation has further hit them. Trafficking is on
increase. Commodification of women is on through advertisements and other means
for promoting consumerism. The struggle for gender equality and for a rightful
share for women in all walks of life has developed into a struggle for
empowerment of women. The most important step in this direction could have been
passage of the legislation granting 33 per cent reservation to women in
Parliament and state legislatures but it is lurking as most of the bourgeois
political parties are not sincere for it. The CPI and other left parties are
committed to it and will continue to mount pressure for its passage.
Since the incident of Nirbhaya, the gang rape in a bus in national capital, the
issue of women protection has assumed urgency. Though governments have
announced several measures including legislative one, harassment and attacks on
women have increased.
Activities of Maoists
and other Left Extremists
Acute deprivation, heart-rending poverty and unbridled exploitation of people
in some areas have given rise to a brand of left extremism generally termed as
Naxalism or in the recent past as Maoism. It has become clear that treating
this as a law and order problem will not provide a solution. Today they are
operating in a larger area than before. They even talk about “Red Corridor”
from Kathmandu to Kanyakumari. But this is not true. It is the unresolved
socio-economic problems of the region where they find space to operate and
enjoy a measure of support from sections of the suffering people, especially
from tribal sections. Common people in such areas suffer at their hands and
also at the hands of the police who are after them. The mad drive for land
acquisition under the garb of industrialisation too has added to the
deprivation and miseries of the people, particularly the tribals. They also
fall prey to the pseudo-revolutionary word mongering of Maoists.
The administration in states, in place of addressing the grievances of people
in the affected region, started dividing the masses. In Chhattisgarh, both the
Congress and BJP regimes adopted the tactics of arming a section of the tribes
under the garb of Salwa Judum. Youth were armed and used for fratricide. The
practice continues despite ban by the Supreme Court.
Despite claims of three-pronged policy to fight Maoism — law and order,
development work and political fight — in most of the states police excesses,
non-implementation of the development programme, corruption and state-sponsored
drive for domination of ruling party are the main features.
Apart from that, the Union government too is having an agenda. It is trying to
create an impression that left extremism is more dangerous than terrorism. It
wants to create an impression that Communists as such are dangerous. This is a
very sinister move and needs to be countered effectively. As CPI has units and areas of influence where
these left extremists too have influence, it is necessary that we take up the
challenge, politically, as well as ideologically. The party should carry out an
ideological-political campaign and demarcate its policies from the policies
pursued by them. The Maoists are actually disorienting the masses from the real
Communist movement and thus harming the cause.
We should insist that the rise of left extremism is a socio economic
problem. While opposing the violence by Maoists, we should also condemn the
brutal repression by the police under the garb of fighting Maoists. Mostly, the
common people and cadres of parties including those of CPI are victims of this
police repression. Recently police had also enacted a number of false encounters
to kill targeted Maoist leaders. This needs to be condemned. Deployment of army
in these areas needs to be opposed.
While rebuffing the government’s move to discredit and marginalise the
Communist movement as a whole by claiming that left extremism is more dangerous
than terrorism, we must initiate a dialogue and ideological campaign to refute
the wrong interpretation of Marxism-Leninism by the left extremists.
Terrorism and
Terrorism and communalism, both on rise, pose grave threat to our secular
democratic polity. During the first six months of the Narendra Modi government
there had been over 600 cases of communal clashes in different parts of the
country, particularly in the poll-bound areas. These clashes were organised by
different organisations of Sangh Parivar to hasten the process of communal
polarisation. Officially, under Modi, incidents of terrorist attacks and plans
for such attacks have also increased.
But it is true that the threat posed by terrorism based on religious
fundamentalism is gaining ground due to the absence of clear alternative and
idealism. New regime’s attempt to erode all forms of rationalism and scientific
temper is further complicating the situation. Terrorism in India is not a
religion specific.
The ATS and NIA investigations revealed that a number of terrorist attacks like
Malegaon bomb blast, Mecca Masjid blast in Hyderabad, Ajmer Dargah bomb attack
and blast in Samjhauta Express were the handiwork of Hindutva-linked organisations
like Abhinav Bharat. A number of RSS Pracharaks and Sevaks had been
charge-sheeted in these cases. But now the new dispensation is gradually
diluting these cases and even those convicted for organising communal riots and
conducting false encounters are being bailed out. Police have arrested a few leaders
of these Hindutva organisations but have failed to get those Muslim youth
released who were falsely implicated in these cases. These Muslim youth falsely
implicated need to be released and rehabilitated. Simultaneously action should
be taken against those police officers who falsely implicated them and doled
out all sorts of cooked-up stories. Separatism and ethnic hatered also breed
terrorism, particularly in North-Eastern states. Persons from N-E are facing
hatred campaign in different parts of the country including the national
capital, Delhi.
4. There is no doubt that the problem of terrorism does
exist in our country. There had been smuggling of such elements from across the
border, but our variety of terrorism has no link with the US theorised concept
of Islamic terrorism. The Narendra Modi government has revived more vigorously
the poisonous formulation by Atal Behari Vajpayee, when he was Prime Minister
that “all Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims.” In our
country the root of terrorism, be it the so-called Islamic terrorism or left
extremist terrorism lies in socio-economic conditions. Left extremism is
gaining ground due to socio-economic deprivation and discrimination.
Communalism continues to be a serious threat. Religious fundamentalism and
conservative interpretation of religion are being promoted to attain the goal
of communal forces. Sangh Parivar is bent upon communalising the politics.
Hate Muslim campaigns and clashes with Pakistan are being used to hasten the
communal polarisation.
Rise of Hindutva has given chance to Muslim communal forces to spread their
areas of influence. Minority communalism ultimately compliments the majority
There had been demands to adopt a comprehensive approach to the problem of
terrorism and re-orient the investigations of terrorist attacks keeping in view
the recent investigations. CPI stands for it and demands over-hauling of
investigating agencies and police force.
Climate Change and
Ecological Imperialism
In the mad drive for profits and ever-greater profits, capitalism has ignored
the consequences that follow in the form of environmental pollution. Narendra
Modi government is clearing project after project that will badly affect
environment. Its land acquisition law will have adverse impact on environment
as a whole.
Since the signing of UN framework convention on climate change, USA had been
manipulating to pass on the responsibility on the developing countries, though
the fact is that USA itself is the biggest polluter. It is most unfortunate
that Modi government even on this vital national issue is surrendering to USA.
Surprisingly, the Modi government, in place of joining the resistance to US
manipulations is collaborating with it. Despite being partners in BRICS, even
China and Brazil too acted for limited national interests that do not conform
to the larger interests of the cause of climate change.
The party has to pay more attention to this aspect of fight against ecological
Left Unity and CPI
Left suffered a set back in the last parliamentary polls and earlier legislative
assembly elections in West Bengal and to some extent in Kerala. It was an
electoral defeat in Kerala, while in Bengal and other places it was also a
political defeat. Due to the defective electoral
system electoral defeats are inevitable depending on the political balance of
forces supporting the Left and its rivals. But erosion of bases and support of
the masses is a matter of serious concern.
The Left is facing the biggest challenge in its history. At a time when secular
politics also suffered a set back with the semi-collapse of Congress, the
takeover of the country by Right in the shape of BJP and the pathetic
performance of Left have disappointed the people, particularly the Left following.
They feel helpless.
The crisis of the Left is not a sudden and new phenomenon. It has several
reasons which are to be analysed deeply with proper introspection.
The Left played an important role in the national freedom movement and in
shaping the policies and politics of the country in the post-independence
period. The heroic struggles of the Left for land reforms, labour laws, in
defence of working class agitations, in defence of Tribals, dalits, peasants
and agricultural labour and the minorities had its imprint on the policies of the nation. We were always
recognised as the champion of the downtrodden sections of the society and as a
force that was setting the socio-economic agenda.
The undivided Communist Party could get 9.5 per cent of vote in the first
general election. After split the Communist fallowing was also badly divided.
CPI(M) emerged as a bigger left Party in West Bengal, Kerala, Tripura and having
influence in a few pockets of other states. CPI continues to have influence in
most of the states and is the only pan-India party but slowly the bases are
shrinking. In Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana both the parties have got
more or less equal influence. CPI is stronger in Bihar, Jharkhand, Punjab,
Chhattisgarh, Manipur, etc. CPI(M) has better organisation and political
performance in Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir. In other
states both exist but both are weak. RSP is limited to West Bengal and Kerala
and Forward Bloc to West Bengal, though both have their presence and activities
in a few other states. CPI (ML)
liberation has some base in Bihar and Jharkhand.
Though more left parties emerged on the scene, the Left influence did not expand
later. All the Left put together could never get 9.5 per cent of the vote and
ultimately it has been reduced to less than 4.5 per cent in the 2014 elections.
CPI fared more badly with 0.8 per cent vote share.
In the recent elections both the main bourgeois parties committed to neo-liberal
economic policies, were fighting bitterly, the Left could not take advantage,
and failed to retain its vote bases.
The emergence of a huge middle class in India, and its acceptance of neo-liberal
economic policies and globalisation as it also benefited to some extent have alienated
a big chunk of them from the Left. The working class which has shown more unity
and participated in impressive joint struggles, confined its battles to own issues,
mostly economic but did not respond appropriately to political development. Trade
unions have to take up the task of politicalisation of working class.
The emergence of regional parties, rise of casteist and communal forces reduced
the strength and influence of left parties in some areas.
There was a big socialist movement outside Communist Parties in the country.
They split, united, again split several times and became weak. These groups who
now exist as regional parties with an
element of caste influence are trying to reunite.
The disintegration of Soviet Union, the world socialist bloc, and the split in
Indian Communist movement have further weakened the Left and CPI in particular.
Absence of any clear alternative or ideal has also disillusioned a vast section
of our sympathisers, particularly the youth and students. All this has caused zigzag
in our percentage of votes polled.
12. There is an argument that
aligning with the regional parties has weakened our bases. It may be true to
some extent. Electoral alliances are misunderstood as political alliances and
we failed to convince and politicise the people that electoral alliances are
temporary and must be sub-ordinated to political tactical line of the party. In
parliamentary democracy poll pacts on principled basis will be inevitable.
Party may have to continue to have electoral alliances with regional parties
with the purpose of increasing our representation and to carry forward our
political tactics. This aspect should be re-examined more deeply in future. In
any case, electoral tactics should be subordinated to political tactics.
13. Economic
policies determine political course. The transition from fudalism to capitalism
brought neo-rich into politics in a big way and they forced for more pro-capitalist policies. In the era of
neo-liberalism the Congress shifted from centrist party to no-liberal economic policies.
The emergence of corporates, and a considerable crony capitalist class in
India, influenced BJP to shift from outdated swadeshi to rightist pro-corporate policies, along with Hindutva
The corporate forces through their finances and Media both electronic and print,
maligned the Left and did their best to marginalise the Left. Corporate houses
now openly dictate policies.
What is to be done!
craze for rushing through the implementation of the remaining agenda of the
neo-liberalism and intensified offensive of communalism is definitely posing a
great challenge. Simultaneously, it is providing great opportunities to the
Left to project itself as an alternative by popularising the alternative
socio-economic policies.
is the most committed secular force in the country. It is only the Left that is
capable of projecting alternative to economic neo-liberalism to which most of
the bourgeois political parties, both national and regional are committed.
of a strong and expanded left front will attract other secular democratic parties,
particularly the regional ones, to join forces with the Left to build a
programme based left-democratic alternative.
The Left Unity
Left unity is the main subject that is being discussed among the people. United
activity, united struggles, militant battles will create conducive atmosphere
for such a unity.
in action by communists is the main pre-condition for Left unity. Split and
division among Left, particularly the Communists, raise question on our
credential as well as identity. The expanded left front can only restore the
confidence of the people. Reunification of communist movement on a principled
basis is the need of the situation. But it cannot be rushed through and should
be on a principled basis. It should be after proper discussions at all levels
and by forging unity in action.
the platform of 22nd Congress CPI once again reiterates its resolve for
reunification of Communist movement on a principled basis.
stronger united left movement with relentless joint struggles will create
confidence among the Left following and the general masses.
political battles are to be carried on with vigour and consistency to
reestablish the independent identity of the Left.
Left unity as base, our strategy should be to build a broad left-democratic
unity. It means to forge unity with all those forces, groups and parties who
agree with us on a minimum democratic programme which includes the defence of
secularism, democracy and pro-people economic policies as alternative to neo-liberal
economic policies.
Strengthening of CPI
Strengthening CPI is the basic necessity to forge the left unity as well as left
democratic unity.
Reconnect with the people, rejuvenate the Party Organisation, expansion of
bases, injecting young blood into the party and its leadership are the needs of
the day. Documents adopted by National Council in its special session in
September 2014 should form the basis for it.
3. People’s issues are to be identified and the party has
to unleash consistent battles on their issues at the grass root level. There
are different forms of struggles. We organise some agitations to focus
attention on some important issues of people and sometimes to express
dissatisfaction or unhappiness. But they are symbolic.
4. We should re-orient party at
grass root level to organise result-oriented struggles, sustained battles to
achieve the just demands of the people, like wage struggle, land for tiller,
house-sites, against atrocities and discrimination in any form. Drinking water,
irrigation facilities, electricity, civic amenities, roads, hospitals, schools
and many more such issues can be identified as well as class issues like wages,
social security, etc, should be taken up. These struggles will reconnect the
party with masses.
5. If we can organise result-oriented militant struggles at grass root level our party with its big mass base, larger
influence, and credibility as a party of the exploited and downtrodden sections
of the society can re-emerge as a strong fighting party.
6. The wrong policies of the rightist
communal BJP and its anti-poor policies are to be exposed by consistent
campaign among the people. We have to consistently raise the political
consciousness of the masses on basic policy issues. Workers and employees have
started challenging the new regime on policy issues. Recent coal strike and
action plans of bank employees and transport workers are an encouraging sign.
Our slogan is: No to Rightist Communal Policies; Dislodge Regime of Corporate
Rightist Ideology and Communal Combination.
7. Politics cannot be a hobby for
communists. It is not a one issue job, limited to fight elections. Be with the
people always should be our moto.
8. After almost seven decades of independence there continues the caste discrimination and
practice of untouchability, atrocities
on their assertion for their justified rights. Tribals are being hunted
and thrown out in millions from the forest and land in the name of
development. Minorities are living with
fear and a feeling of insecurely and becoming easy targets of fundamentalism.
9. Poverty and inequality are on
rise. Concentration of wealth in the hands of few lakhs people while
overwhelming section of people are in utter disgusting poverty.
10. According to an international survey,
the wealth in India has grown enormously during the last 1½ decades. From the
year 2000 to 2014 average eight per cent increase in wealth has been
registered. But this average accounting increase is only on papers, in reality
while the wealth is accumulated in the hands of 0.3 per cent of our population.
In India 2,38,000 rich people are in the top one per cent of global wealth
holders. 650 of them are billionaires, while 90 per cent of the Indian
population are deprived of their share in the wealth that is created. Wealth
inequality is much higher than income inequality. A section of middle class was
among the initial beneficiaries.
The gap between the rich and poor is widening beyond all scales. This should be
fought back. India cannot afford to be a rich country with majority of poor
12. Unemployment is on increase
frustrating the youth with helplessness and anger. Working class is in distress
with pro-capitalist pro-rich policies of the government. Price rise is a big
burden on the people. Agricultural labour and peasantry are in distress.
Atrocities on women are on increase. Country is in chaos. Communist Party needs
to work among all these sections of people mobilise them, organise them and
fight along with them.
13. The takeover of BJP from
Congress is not the normal transfer of power from one bourgeoisie party to
another. Power has been taken over by a combination of corporate capital,
rightist ideology and rabid communalism which is steadily making India a full fledged
strategic partner of US imperialism. Hence it is to be fought tooth and nail.
14. Lack of zeal for organising
grass root movements on concrete issues leads to casual approach to struggles.
Lack of grass root activities keep us away from elections to Panchayat Raj
institutions. This approach should be changed.
15. Our party is weak in Hindi heartland
as well as in Western states. In spite of our efforts neither CPI nor the other
left parties could penetrate deep into these areas. More consistent efforts have
to be made to expand our bases in Hindi belt and Western India, consolidate old
bases and expand new bases with better organisation. It has been repeatedly
said that our own independent political bases are to be built, if we want to
have our say in the politics of state or region.
16. Reasonable
representation in legislatures and parliament is necessary to voice the
grievances of the poor and downtrodden. Struggles inside and outside Parliament
should be carried on simultaneously. As our representation is weak in legislatures
and Parliament, we need to concentrate more on the struggles of the people on
their basic issues. Electoral tactics should aim at ensuring adequate
representation of the party in legislatures and Parliament.
Without a strong party, nothing could be achieved. Building, strengthening and
activising the party is the main task.
What Should be Our
Political Tactics
Our basic goal is to transfer the Indian society to socialism, ending all types
of exploitation. The immediate task is to defend and save secularism, democracy,
and all rights and facilities to working class, toiling masses through
struggles, and build a pro-people alternative of left and democratic forces.
Extreme Left will try to cash on the present difficulties of the Left and
campaign for armed struggle as the only way citing Left’s failure through parliamentary
path. Left extremism is not at all the alternative in the present circumstance
in spite of the set back of the Left in parliamentary elections. Mass movements
and militant struggles can help in countering it along with ideological
Building a strong left movement and unity of the Left is the need of the hour
but that alone cannot achieve our goal. The goal of an independent strong Left
need not hamper our efforts for building a broad left democratic unity based on
principles of secularism, democracy and pro-people economic policies.
Prioritising the slogan of all out secular unity in the name of fighting the
dangerous onslaught of communalism, will only water down the principles of left
democratic unity. Actually, taking up only the issue of secularism will
ultimately become complimentary to the BJP’s tactics of communal polarisation.
The miseries and exploitation of the masses, pauperisation of the masses in the
name of economic development through neo-liberal economic policies will definitely
alienate people from the present regime and create avenues for the growth of
the Left as a viable force.
The left democratic unity cannot be achieved by meetings and conventions alone.
It is also to be achieved through valiant battles of the people unitedly on
these issues.
We have to unite the left forces around a socio-economic alternative in the
interest of the nation. This will pave way for a broader left and democratic
unity on the basis of alternative socio-economic policies and for defence of
secularism. Dislodge the ruling combination of corporate capital, rightist
ideology and communalism.
1. Despite concerted attempts by the ruling dispensation,
corporate controlled Media and various outfits of the Sangh Parivar to distract
people’s attention from the disastrous socio-economic policies pursued by the
Narendra Modi government, various segments of the people have started
challenging the government policies and intents. The provocative moves and
statements to spark communal hatred and discard had been widely condemned and
people have reiterated their resolve to defend the secular democratic polity of
the country.
the economic front also, voice of protest is being raised. Workers and
employees in different segments of economy affected by ruthless imposition of
neo-literalism are coming out in protest. Land acquisition law amendments have
been opposed from different quarters, including some unexpected ones.
Indian people are conscious of their democratic rights and have the capacity to
rebuff any ruler who attempts to destroy our cherished goals of strengthening
economic sovereignty, democracy and secular fabric. They have started moving
for it against the diabolical designs of the Narendra Modi government.
2. The 22nd Party Congress of the Communist Party of India
reiterates its resolve to build a programme-based Left and Democratic Front to
accomplish the tasks of democratic revolution that should pave way for ushering
in the country to a socialist revolution to build a socialist system by
applying Marxism-Leninism in our condition based on experiences of our
movement. Socialist India continues to be our goal that should lead to ending
the exploitation of man by man, establishes social ownership on basic means of
production and services, provide equal opportunities in the matter of job,
education, health and housing, end all sorts of discrimination on the basis of
caste, creed, language, religion, gender and ethnicity and establishes a real
secular society that promotes rationalism and scientific temper.
The party will strive to build a left and democratic alternative based on
pro-people policies by mobilising and unifying various segments of our people
particularly the working people. The party stands for the broadest possible
class unity on various class fronts on specific class issues.
4. Politically, the party will
concentrate on building and expanding the left unity and conducting joint mass
struggles and campaigns to rouse the consciousness of the people on
alternatives to neo-liberalism that will attract the followings of other
democratic forces, including the regional parties. Mass struggles will pave way
for building a left and democratic alternative to the present two combinations
of bourgeois political parties that are committed to neo-liberalism.
5. s the threat to our secular
polity and democratic system has grown many fold, the prty stands for broadest
unity of the secular forces for protecting our secular democratic system ,
communal harmony and national integrity.
6. The party will continue to organise all oppressed and deprived people
including Dalits, Adivasis, Mahadalits, OBCs, minorities, women, workers, kisans,
khet mazdoors, youth and students on their specific demands that should enable
the party to build strong political bases in these segments.
7. Several segments of our middle
classes that were among the initial beneficiaries of the neo-liberal reform
policies are now getting hurt by these very policies in the form of growing
indebtedness and increasing burden of EMIs. Party will attend to their problems
and organise and unify them with the struggles of the working people.
8. Growing commercialisation of
entire education system has made even secondary education out of reach of
overwhelming majority of our population. Students and youth will be rendered
all help and support in their fight for education and jobs being the basic
9. Neo-liberal policies,
particularly the slogans like “Make in India” are threatening the very
existence of small and medium industries and leading the country towards
de-industrialization. Party will support these segments along with workers and
people engaged in handicrafts and self-employing trade to protect these
sectors. Unbridled entry of FDI in retail
trade will render crores of retailers and traders jobless. They too have to
join these forces in the fight against anti-people policies of neo-liberalism.
The CPI stands for unity in diversity and protection of plurality of cultural
heritage and will be a strong supporter of all those intellectuals, writers,
artistes and cultural activists in their fight against obscurantism,
fundamentalism and imposition of conservative ideas through the change of
syllabus and other means. We will support them for promoting rationalism and
scientific temper.
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)
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