मंगलवार, 27 अप्रैल 2010
at 4:20 pm | 0 comments |
Communist Party of India
Ajoy Bhavan, Phones(91-11)23235546,23235099, 23235058
15 Indrajit Gupta Marg, New Delhi.110002 Fax (91-11) 23235543
e-mail: :cpiofindia@gmail.com
General Secretary: A.B. Bardhan
27th April 2010
Press Release
The Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of India has issued the following statement to the press:
The Communist Party of India congratulates the people of all over the country who have responded to the call of Hartal against high prices and in protest against Government’s failure to take any steps for bringing down the high prices.
The Party expresses its grateful thanks to all the 13 Parties who have done everything to make the Hartal a success and also to other Parties who came out in support of the Hartal. This is a vivid example of the common man’s indignation and discontent, and the success owes it to the united action of all who made it their common cause. Even now the UPA Government should take this into account and take the necessary steps which the Left and other Parties have all along been proposing.
This is not the end of the struggle. The Parties will meet soon on a date which will be fixed after consultations to decide the next step which they together will take to force the hands of the Government.
(Kshetra Panda)
Office Secretary
Ajoy Bhavan, Phones(91-11)23235546,23235099, 23235058
15 Indrajit Gupta Marg, New Delhi.110002 Fax (91-11) 23235543
e-mail: :cpiofindia@gmail.com
General Secretary: A.B. Bardhan
27th April 2010
Press Release
The Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of India has issued the following statement to the press:
The Communist Party of India congratulates the people of all over the country who have responded to the call of Hartal against high prices and in protest against Government’s failure to take any steps for bringing down the high prices.
The Party expresses its grateful thanks to all the 13 Parties who have done everything to make the Hartal a success and also to other Parties who came out in support of the Hartal. This is a vivid example of the common man’s indignation and discontent, and the success owes it to the united action of all who made it their common cause. Even now the UPA Government should take this into account and take the necessary steps which the Left and other Parties have all along been proposing.
This is not the end of the struggle. The Parties will meet soon on a date which will be fixed after consultations to decide the next step which they together will take to force the hands of the Government.
(Kshetra Panda)
Office Secretary
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