सोमवार, 5 जुलाई 2010
at 4:15 pm | 0 comments |
According to the message received from different states, nationwide hartal is completely successful. It is unprecedented success in many states. In North East, Assam, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and other places it is total bandh. Several CPI cadres were arrested in the morning at Imphal. But all shops were closed. All transport stopped from 6 a.m. in the morning in Manipur.
Com. A.B. Bardhan, General Secretary, Coms. Sudhakar Reddy, D. Raja, Atul Kumar Anjan, Amarjeet Kaur CPI leaders, Brinda Karat of CPIM) were arrested along with 300 volunteers at ITO Centre after they successfully stopped the traffic for more than 90 minutes.
The Punjab bandh was total with all shops and traffic stopped.
In Jharkhand Com. Bhuvaneswar Mehta Ex M.P., Secretary CPI was arrested at Ranchi with thousands arrested all over Jharkhand. But bandh was total.
Police attacked CPI office and SP Office at Lucknow. There were clashes. CPI Secretary Dr. Girish was injured and number of CPI, CPI(M) leaders were lathicharged and arrested at CPI office, Kaisar Bagh, Lucknow. Lucknow and all other cities observed bandh. Uttarakhand observed successful bandh.
Large number of cadres of opposition parties were arrested all over Maharashtra from early hours but government could not prevent total bandh. Com. Prakash Reddy Mumbai City Secretary, Com. Tukaram Bhamse, Assistant Secretary state party, Narayan Ghagri Rambaheti were arrested.
West Bengal, Tripura, Kerala observed total and peaceful bandh on the call of the Left Parties. Even airport had a desert look at Kolkata. Rajasthan had a big bandh and Left Parties organised rallies at Jaipur and other cities. Gujarat, M.P. Karnataka observed bandh. Chhattisgarh observed bandh, Left and NDA organised separate rallies.
Jammu also observed bandh. Pondicherry several hundreds of CPI leaders and cares were arrested and bandh was successful.
Andhra Pradesh observed successful bandh. Chandrababu Naidu former C.M., Com. Narayana CPI State Secretary Com. B.V. Raghavulu CPI(M) State Secretary and others were arrested. Hyderabad and other cities were totally closed shops and rallies were organised. Large number of arrests were there.
There was bandh in Chennai, Tiruchrapalli, Coimbatore and other cities and towns in Tamilnadu. Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi and other places also observed bandh.
Peoples’ angry and unhappiness is reflected in the spontaneous response to the bandh.
Left Parties cadre took the challenge and worked hard, to make the bandh success.
The arrogant UPA Governemnt was given a big slap by the people for its anti-peoples policies.
Com. A.B. Bardhan, General Secretary, Coms. Sudhakar Reddy, D. Raja, Atul Kumar Anjan, Amarjeet Kaur CPI leaders, Brinda Karat of CPIM) were arrested along with 300 volunteers at ITO Centre after they successfully stopped the traffic for more than 90 minutes.
The Punjab bandh was total with all shops and traffic stopped.
In Jharkhand Com. Bhuvaneswar Mehta Ex M.P., Secretary CPI was arrested at Ranchi with thousands arrested all over Jharkhand. But bandh was total.
Police attacked CPI office and SP Office at Lucknow. There were clashes. CPI Secretary Dr. Girish was injured and number of CPI, CPI(M) leaders were lathicharged and arrested at CPI office, Kaisar Bagh, Lucknow. Lucknow and all other cities observed bandh. Uttarakhand observed successful bandh.
Large number of cadres of opposition parties were arrested all over Maharashtra from early hours but government could not prevent total bandh. Com. Prakash Reddy Mumbai City Secretary, Com. Tukaram Bhamse, Assistant Secretary state party, Narayan Ghagri Rambaheti were arrested.
West Bengal, Tripura, Kerala observed total and peaceful bandh on the call of the Left Parties. Even airport had a desert look at Kolkata. Rajasthan had a big bandh and Left Parties organised rallies at Jaipur and other cities. Gujarat, M.P. Karnataka observed bandh. Chhattisgarh observed bandh, Left and NDA organised separate rallies.
Jammu also observed bandh. Pondicherry several hundreds of CPI leaders and cares were arrested and bandh was successful.
Andhra Pradesh observed successful bandh. Chandrababu Naidu former C.M., Com. Narayana CPI State Secretary Com. B.V. Raghavulu CPI(M) State Secretary and others were arrested. Hyderabad and other cities were totally closed shops and rallies were organised. Large number of arrests were there.
There was bandh in Chennai, Tiruchrapalli, Coimbatore and other cities and towns in Tamilnadu. Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi and other places also observed bandh.
Peoples’ angry and unhappiness is reflected in the spontaneous response to the bandh.
Left Parties cadre took the challenge and worked hard, to make the bandh success.
The arrogant UPA Governemnt was given a big slap by the people for its anti-peoples policies.
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