बुधवार, 24 मार्च 2010
at 9:51 pm | 0 comments |
The National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW) oppose the proposed Food Security. The Bill guarantees just 25 kg of wheat or rice for Rs 3/- per kg per month, that too for a limited number of BPL families and increases the prices of the food grains for the APL Families.
At present the BPL families in most of the states get 35kg of food grains either for Rs. 1 or for Rs. 2 pre kg.. In this background the proposed Bill will not only snatch away the existing entitlements of the poor but it will bring a situation of food insecurity.
a) the government enacts a universal Food Security Bill.
b) The food grains distributing under this Act should be healthy and nutritious.
c) It should be made a statutory obligation of the Government to ensure that nutritious and safe food is available in the PDS for a lesser price.
d) In the name of Food Security government should not distribute Genetically modified products through PDS
e) Strict control and monitoring of national –international corporates.
f) Steps must be taken to prevent patenting of food and seeds.
g) Stress should be given to procure food grains which is locally produced, environmentally safe and culturally appropriate.
h) Women should be involved in every stage of framing the food Policy and its implementation.
The National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW) oppose the proposed Food Security. The Bill guarantees just 25 kg of wheat or rice for Rs 3/- per kg per month, that too for a limited number of BPL families and increases the prices of the food grains for the APL Families.
At present the BPL families in most of the states get 35kg of food grains either for Rs. 1 or for Rs. 2 pre kg.. In this background the proposed Bill will not only snatch away the existing entitlements of the poor but it will bring a situation of food insecurity.
a) the government enacts a universal Food Security Bill.
b) The food grains distributing under this Act should be healthy and nutritious.
c) It should be made a statutory obligation of the Government to ensure that nutritious and safe food is available in the PDS for a lesser price.
d) In the name of Food Security government should not distribute Genetically modified products through PDS
e) Strict control and monitoring of national –international corporates.
f) Steps must be taken to prevent patenting of food and seeds.
g) Stress should be given to procure food grains which is locally produced, environmentally safe and culturally appropriate.
h) Women should be involved in every stage of framing the food Policy and its implementation.
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