शनिवार, 24 अप्रैल 2010
at 4:18 pm | 0 comments |
CPI demands JPC probe into IPL
http://www.mynews.in published the following news today :
Puducherry: Communist Party of India Secretary D Raja, MP, today demanded an enquiry by a Joint Parliamentary Committe into the IPL 'gambling." Addressing a press conference here, he said money was flowing from 'questionable sources' and the Union Governemnt was not firm in taking a decision on the issue. The Centre should come out with an explanation and also connection of Ministers in different ways with IPL.
" No one knows to whom the BCCI and IPL are accountable and what is their accountability," he added.
There was also a report of tapping of telephones of political party leaders, which was a blow to civil rights in a democratic country like India and this needs to be condemned strongly, he added.
To a question on the association of politicians with sports, he said their role has now become questionable. The entire sports policy should be revamped, the role of sports ministry would have to be redefined, the CPI leader.
On the arrest of top brass of the Medical Council of India (MCI), Mr Raja said the governemnt should appoint a special officer to look into the affairs of the MCI and none should be allowed to manipulate the its affairs.
Puducherry: Communist Party of India Secretary D Raja, MP, today demanded an enquiry by a Joint Parliamentary Committe into the IPL 'gambling." Addressing a press conference here, he said money was flowing from 'questionable sources' and the Union Governemnt was not firm in taking a decision on the issue. The Centre should come out with an explanation and also connection of Ministers in different ways with IPL.
" No one knows to whom the BCCI and IPL are accountable and what is their accountability," he added.
There was also a report of tapping of telephones of political party leaders, which was a blow to civil rights in a democratic country like India and this needs to be condemned strongly, he added.
To a question on the association of politicians with sports, he said their role has now become questionable. The entire sports policy should be revamped, the role of sports ministry would have to be redefined, the CPI leader.
On the arrest of top brass of the Medical Council of India (MCI), Mr Raja said the governemnt should appoint a special officer to look into the affairs of the MCI and none should be allowed to manipulate the its affairs.
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