बुधवार, 9 जून 2010
at 7:46 pm | 0 comments |
CPI condemns the views expressed by Mr. Bhupinder Hooda Chief Minister of Haryana opposing sagothra marriages and marriages among sub-castes
Communist Party of India condemns the views expressed by Mr. Bhupinder Hooda Chief Minister of Haryana opposing sagothra marriages and marriages among sub-castes. He even tried to certify that Khap Panchayats are like social organisations.
The argument that sagothra and sub-caste marriages are not approved by the society is not valid in the 21st Century. Inter-caste marriages, Inter religions marriages and international marriages are valid legally, socially and accepted by the society around us. Some sections of the society always resist change and proclaim themselves the right to guide the society and issue mandates against those who do not accept their dictates.
Mr. Hooda is trying to indulge in cheap Vote bank politics. There cannot be two different types of Laws in the country. Why Mr Hooda does not condemn the socalled "Honour Killing" murders. Mr. Hooda is playing soft to those who are trying to take law into their hands. The message should be clear.
It is surprising to understand, why the Indian National Congress is silent on the views of the Hooda who is the Chief Minister of their Party? The silence amounts to support the outdated, pro-caste panchayat outfits in the country.
Mr. Hooda should withdraw his comments, apologize to the nation and take a firm stand against self-proclaimed courts.
The argument that sagothra and sub-caste marriages are not approved by the society is not valid in the 21st Century. Inter-caste marriages, Inter religions marriages and international marriages are valid legally, socially and accepted by the society around us. Some sections of the society always resist change and proclaim themselves the right to guide the society and issue mandates against those who do not accept their dictates.
Mr. Hooda is trying to indulge in cheap Vote bank politics. There cannot be two different types of Laws in the country. Why Mr Hooda does not condemn the socalled "Honour Killing" murders. Mr. Hooda is playing soft to those who are trying to take law into their hands. The message should be clear.
It is surprising to understand, why the Indian National Congress is silent on the views of the Hooda who is the Chief Minister of their Party? The silence amounts to support the outdated, pro-caste panchayat outfits in the country.
Mr. Hooda should withdraw his comments, apologize to the nation and take a firm stand against self-proclaimed courts.
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