सोमवार, 14 जून 2010
at 5:41 pm | 0 comments |
Rajiv had a role in Anderson's escape: Bardhan
Trading Market reported today as under :
Hyderabad, Jun 13, 2010 (Asia Pulse Data Source via COMTEX) --
Alleging that the then Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi had a role in ensuring "safe passage" of Union Carbide chief Warren Anderson out of the country soon after the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy, Communist Party of India (CPI) on Saturday said Congress would have to pay a price for it.
"As the head of the central government in 1986, Rajiv Gandhi too had a role in facilitating the escape of Anderson.
Congress will have to pay a price for it," he said addressing the inaugural session of CPI's three-day National Council meet here this evening.
Referring to Left Front's poor performance in recent civic polls in India's eastern state of West Bengal, the CPI general secretary said it was time for a serious introspection by Left parties.
Hyderabad, Jun 13, 2010 (Asia Pulse Data Source via COMTEX) --
Alleging that the then Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi had a role in ensuring "safe passage" of Union Carbide chief Warren Anderson out of the country soon after the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy, Communist Party of India (CPI) on Saturday said Congress would have to pay a price for it.
"As the head of the central government in 1986, Rajiv Gandhi too had a role in facilitating the escape of Anderson.
Congress will have to pay a price for it," he said addressing the inaugural session of CPI's three-day National Council meet here this evening.
Referring to Left Front's poor performance in recent civic polls in India's eastern state of West Bengal, the CPI general secretary said it was time for a serious introspection by Left parties.
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