भारतीय कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी का प्रकाशन पार्टी जीवन पाक्षिक वार्षिक मूल्य : 70 रुपये; त्रैवार्षिक : 200 रुपये; आजीवन 1200 रुपये पार्टी के सभी सदस्यों, शुभचिंतको से अनुरोध है कि पार्टी जीवन का सदस्य अवश्य बने संपादक: डॉक्टर गिरीश; कार्यकारी संपादक: प्रदीप तिवारी

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Communist Party of India, U.P. State Council

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शुक्रवार, 1 अक्टूबर 2010


The Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of India (CPI) has issued the following statement to the press:

The Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of India congratulates the common people of the country for their show of exemplary maturity and sense of responsibility in the wake of the pronouncement of the verdict by the Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court in the six-decade-old title deed case of the disputed land in Ayodhya. The peace and calm maintained by the people must be preserved and should not be allowed to disturb communal harmony either in the name of celebrating the victory or for launching protest agitation. We must remain vigilant about this.

The Allahabad High Court judgement based more on faith and religious belief than the basic tenets of history, archeology, legal logic and historical facts of other streams of scientific knowledge, can spark a debate on the jurisdiction of the Courts.

The Central Secretariat of the CPI firmly believes that there are enough legal avenues for the people who feel aggrieved. The road to Supreme Court is open. In this case also, the redressal of grievance or affirmation of validity of judicial pronouncement should strictly remain within the confines of judicial procedure.


एक टिप्पणी भेजें

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