मंगलवार, 5 अक्टूबर 2010
at 6:32 pm | 0 comments | CPI NC
Press statement of CPI on "Kashmir", "Ayodhya Judgement" & "Bihar Elections"
The National Executive of the Communist Party of India (CPI) has issued the following statements to the press:
The National Executive of the Communist Party of India in its meeting on 4th October heard the report of Gurudas Dasgupta who was a member of the All Party delegation, which visited Jammu & Kashmir. The CPI expressed its appreciation that the delegation sent its representatives to meet those who had refused to meet on their own, conducted useful discussions with those supposedly separatist leaders. With these efforts the visit of the All Party delegation became more fruitful.
The National Executive welcomed the initiative taken by the Union Home Minister, following the discussions with the all-Party delegation, announcing an 8-point programme for Jammu & Kashmir. The CPI welcomed the proposals, but wanted the government of India to take necessary and meaningful steps for the time bound implementation of these proposals.
There are serious charges leveled by many people in Kashmir that the proposals and packages etc for Jammu & Kashmir announced in the past, were not at all implemented. There was no sincerity on the part of union government.
Keeping this in mind, the CPI feels that the Central Government should take urgent steps for the implementation of these proposals.
Besides, the CPI feels that a mechanism shall be set up, with representatives of Political Parties and other democratic forces to monitor the implementation of the 8-point program and to carry forward the dialogue.
The CPI also feels that it is necessary to have a re-look at the Armed Forces Special Powers Act at the earliest. It is necessary to withdraw AFSPA from Srinagar and several other places.
The CPI feels that it is necessary to have a broad democratic common platform to express solidarity with Kashmir and to discuss the issues like human right violation and autonomy to the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
The National Executive of the Communist Party of India deliberated upon the verdict of the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court and its consequences.
National Executive is of the view that the Allahabad High Court judgement based on faith and religious belief than the basic tenets of history, archeology, legal logic and facts of other streams of scientific knowledge. It has led to several questions being raised with regard to the fundamentals of jurisprudence, rule of law and the principles of secular democracy.
While appreciating the matured response of the people in the wake of the pronouncement of the judgement in maintaining calm and harmony, the party notes that the road to Supreme Court is open. Until and unless the Supreme Court finally disposes the case, nobody should try to interpret the High Court judgement to suit their political positions.
The National Executive of the Party has called upon the people to continue to stand united in protecting the republican Constitution and the secular democratic polity of the Nation.
The National executive of the Party appealed to the people of Bihar to defeat the JD(U)-BJP combine, reject the other combinations of RJD-LJP, Congress and elect the CPI and Left candidates in the ensuing elections. National Executive endorsed the electoral adjustments between CPI, CPI(M) and CPI(ML). CPI is putting up 55 candidates.
After long time, the Left Parties have come together to fight large number of seats unitedly. It is a positive development in changing the political course in Bihar.
These Assembly elections are crucial for Bihar. The state government under JD(U)-BJP miserably failed to implement the recommendations of D. Bandhopadhyaya Committee on Land reforms. Implementation of land reforms in Bihar is a crying need of the downtrodden and the oppressed people. It is unfortunate all the other political parties except Left ganged up to stall the Land Reforms. These parties are trying to widen the caste-based politics for electoral gains. Notorious anti-social elements are made candidates, further encouraging the criminalisation of political atmosphere. What Bihar needs today is a secular democratic government.
Communist Party of India urges upon the people of Bihar to elect a strong contingent of CPI and Left candidates to the Legislative Assembly who will fight for the rights of poor and downtrodden, for implementation of Land Reforms, for corruption free administration.
The National Executive of the Communist Party of India in its meeting on 4th October heard the report of Gurudas Dasgupta who was a member of the All Party delegation, which visited Jammu & Kashmir. The CPI expressed its appreciation that the delegation sent its representatives to meet those who had refused to meet on their own, conducted useful discussions with those supposedly separatist leaders. With these efforts the visit of the All Party delegation became more fruitful.
The National Executive welcomed the initiative taken by the Union Home Minister, following the discussions with the all-Party delegation, announcing an 8-point programme for Jammu & Kashmir. The CPI welcomed the proposals, but wanted the government of India to take necessary and meaningful steps for the time bound implementation of these proposals.
There are serious charges leveled by many people in Kashmir that the proposals and packages etc for Jammu & Kashmir announced in the past, were not at all implemented. There was no sincerity on the part of union government.
Keeping this in mind, the CPI feels that the Central Government should take urgent steps for the implementation of these proposals.
Besides, the CPI feels that a mechanism shall be set up, with representatives of Political Parties and other democratic forces to monitor the implementation of the 8-point program and to carry forward the dialogue.
The CPI also feels that it is necessary to have a re-look at the Armed Forces Special Powers Act at the earliest. It is necessary to withdraw AFSPA from Srinagar and several other places.
The CPI feels that it is necessary to have a broad democratic common platform to express solidarity with Kashmir and to discuss the issues like human right violation and autonomy to the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
The National Executive of the Communist Party of India deliberated upon the verdict of the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court and its consequences.
National Executive is of the view that the Allahabad High Court judgement based on faith and religious belief than the basic tenets of history, archeology, legal logic and facts of other streams of scientific knowledge. It has led to several questions being raised with regard to the fundamentals of jurisprudence, rule of law and the principles of secular democracy.
While appreciating the matured response of the people in the wake of the pronouncement of the judgement in maintaining calm and harmony, the party notes that the road to Supreme Court is open. Until and unless the Supreme Court finally disposes the case, nobody should try to interpret the High Court judgement to suit their political positions.
The National Executive of the Party has called upon the people to continue to stand united in protecting the republican Constitution and the secular democratic polity of the Nation.
The National executive of the Party appealed to the people of Bihar to defeat the JD(U)-BJP combine, reject the other combinations of RJD-LJP, Congress and elect the CPI and Left candidates in the ensuing elections. National Executive endorsed the electoral adjustments between CPI, CPI(M) and CPI(ML). CPI is putting up 55 candidates.
After long time, the Left Parties have come together to fight large number of seats unitedly. It is a positive development in changing the political course in Bihar.
These Assembly elections are crucial for Bihar. The state government under JD(U)-BJP miserably failed to implement the recommendations of D. Bandhopadhyaya Committee on Land reforms. Implementation of land reforms in Bihar is a crying need of the downtrodden and the oppressed people. It is unfortunate all the other political parties except Left ganged up to stall the Land Reforms. These parties are trying to widen the caste-based politics for electoral gains. Notorious anti-social elements are made candidates, further encouraging the criminalisation of political atmosphere. What Bihar needs today is a secular democratic government.
Communist Party of India urges upon the people of Bihar to elect a strong contingent of CPI and Left candidates to the Legislative Assembly who will fight for the rights of poor and downtrodden, for implementation of Land Reforms, for corruption free administration.
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