- No BPL or APL, we demand a universal public distribution system.
- 35 kg of foodgrain at not more than Rs.2 per kg every month for each family. (A bag of 35 Kgs of ration be delivered to every family of the country at their door steps on a payment of Rs 70/- for which suitable mechanism be evolved by the Governments.)
- Scrap the planning Commission’s bogus poverty estimates as the basis for welfare rights.
- Implement the Swaminathan Commission recommendations for a fair price and profit margin for farmers.
- No to cash coupons but ensured ration to all.
- Effective curb on inflation, stop forward trading of food grains.
- Effective & powerful Lokpal Bill.
रविवार, 29 जुलाई 2012
at 7:57 pm | 0 comments | Corruption, CPI, Food Security, Left Parties, Lokpal, Price Rise
Communist Party Of India, Communist Party Of India (Marxisit), Revolutionary Socialist Party and All India Forward Block are jointly organizing a all India massive five days Dharana at Jantar Mantar New Delhi from on 30 th July to 3 rd August 2012 on Food Security to all and a comprehensive food Security Bill, the realistic objective of providing food to all. Besides Food Security, galloping inflation & corruption are also issues. This Dharana will start from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. every day on all the five days. This Dharana will be joined by the workers of all four left parties from all the states of the country. Large numbers of women and students will also participate. This Dharana will Demand as:
Top Leaders of all the four left parties will joined the Dharana on first Day.Com. S. Sudhaker Readdy, General Secretary ,CPI, Com. Prakash Karat, General Secretary CPM, Com.T.J. Chandrachudan General Secretary RSP And Com. Devbrata Biswas General Secretary AIFB, Com. A. B. Bhardhan,Com.Amarjeet Kaur, Com. Guru Das Das Gupta, MP, Com. Sita Ram Yaachury MP, Com. D. Raja MP, Com. Vasudev Acharya MP,Com. Brinda Karat, Com. Abni Roy, Com. Dr Girish and Com. Dev Rajan etc.
Delhi leaders Prof. Dinesh C Varshney and Com. Vijendra Sharma, Com. Dhirendra Sharma, Secretary, Delhi CPI, Com. P. M. S. Grewal Secretary, Delhi CPM, Com. Ashit Ganguly Secretary ,Delhi RSP, Com. Dharmendra Verma Secretary Delhi AIFB etc will sit in Dharana for all five days.
All MPs, MLA’s, Corporators as well as others local bodies representatives of all the parties will participate in five day Dharana.
On the first day, more than 5000 CPI workers from Uttar Pradesh led by CPI State Secretary Dr Girish shall participate in the Dharna.
Media people are requested to visit dharna, participate in it & telecast/broadcast/publish the even prominently to show that solidarity with the cause. Non-coverage of the event by the media shall mean in unequivocal terms that media is against food security for all and is in favour of galloping price rise & corruption.
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