- The call by all Central Trade Unions (CTUs) for intensified struggles ;
- Jail Baharo in November, Parliament March in December and two days general strike in February 2013;
- March to Parliament by All India Kisan Sabha and Bhartiya Khet Mazdoor Union on November 1.
- March to Parliament by AISF and AIYF on November 2 for right to education and right to employment.
- Food Security Day by NFIW on September 18 and Day against atrocities on women on October 2.
- National campaign for proper implementation of SC-ST Sub plan on December 10, 2012.
शनिवार, 8 सितंबर 2012
at 6:58 pm | 0 comments |
The three days session of the National
Council of the Communist Party of India (CPI) concluded here on September 7,
2012. BKMU leader Comrade Nagendranath
Ojha presided over the session.
It was preceded by the meeting of the National executive on September 5, 2012.
CPI General Secretary Comrade S.
Sudhakar Reddy presented a comprehensive report on economic and political
developments since the 21st Party Congress held at Patna in March
this year. The report noted the deepening of the global economic crisis that
has started affecting the developing world including India adversely. As the
UPA2 government refuses to review the
disastrous course of neo-liberalism, the country is facing serious economic
crisis. There is all round deterioration with decline in industrial production,
in service sector and overall decline in GDP growth rate that has plunged to
all time low of 5.3 per cent. The government in place of tackling the serious
problems of price rise, unemployment and attacks on working class is intending
to aggressively pursue the course of economic neo-liberalism by showering
concessions on Corporates and denying the people small benefits of subsidy.
Government is threatening to once more increase prices of petrol, diesel and
LPG that will have cascading impact on the price situation as a whole. People are restive and are joining the
struggles in large number.
The National Council condemned the
continued disruption of Parliamentary proceedings and termed it as a “fixed
Match” between Congress and BJP both of whom are equally mired in corruption.
Actually corruption is a bye-product of economic neo-liberalism that facilitate
loot of natural resources and sharing of the loot among politicians corporate
and bureaucracy.
Apart from preparing for observance of
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY DAY on SEPTEMBER 12 called by the four Left parties, the
National Council has called upon the entire party to observe OCTOBER 2, as Day
in defense of Secularism and National unity. This day has assumed urgency in
the background of sinister attempts by the communal forces of all hues to rouse
communal passion in the context of ethnic riots in Assam. Cyberspace has been used to spread communal
poison. The situation is becoming alarming as forces wanting to hasten the
communal polarization of the population are taking vicious measures for limited
political gains.
Re-emphasizing the need for conducting
result-oriented struggles at grass root level to build a stronger CPI, the
National Council also decided to support the mass struggles to be launched by
various mass organizations. Major actions in the coming months will be:
National Council also considered a note on preparations for the elections to nine state assemblies
in 2012 and 2013 as well as preliminary
review of preparations for Lok
Sabha elections. The National Council is of the firm opinion that the party should bid for winning and increasing
its representation in the state assemblies and work for a strong Left Block
with impressive presence of the CPI in it, in the new Lok Sabha. Party
is committed for the Left unity and along with other Left parties will
work out the detailed electoral tactics as per the concrete situation
prevailing in states at the time of the election.
National Council filled the vacancies in National executive by inducting
Comrades Rajendra Nath Singh, Badri Narayan Lal and Ram Naresh Pande from
Bihar, UP state Council secretary Dr. Girish and Odhisha state secretary
Dibakar Nayak.
National Council adopted a number of resolutions on immediate issues.
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