सोमवार, 26 अप्रैल 2010
at 6:44 pm | 0 comments | इप्टा
World Dance Day: 29th April, २०१० - International Message by Julio Bocca (Argentina)
Dance is discipline, work, teaching, communication. With it we save on words that perhaps others would not understand and, instead, we establish a universal language familiar to everyone. It gives us pleasure, it makes us free and it comforts us from the impossibility we humans have to fly like birds, bringing us closer to heaven, to the sacred, to the infinite.
It is a sublime art, different each time, so much like making love that at the end of each performance it leaves our heart beating very hard and looking forward to the next time.
English translation by Marcia De La Garza (Original in Spanish)
History of World Dance Day – 29th April
In 1982 the Dance Committee of the ITI founded International Dance Day to be celebrated every year on the 29th April, anniversary of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), the creator of modern ballet. The intention of the «International Dance Day Message» is to celebrate Dance, to revel in the universality of this art form, to cross all political, cultural and ethnic barriers and bring people together with a common language - Dance.
Every year a message from an outstanding choreographer or dancer is circulated throughout the world. The personality is selected by the founding entity of the International Dance Day - the International Dance Committee of the ITI, which collaborates with World Dance Alliance, a Cooperating Member of the ITI.
Together with the World Dance Alliance, ITI and its Dance Committee are celebrating International Dance Day at UNESCO in Paris.
Circulated by:
Indian People’s Theatre Association (IPTA).
It is a sublime art, different each time, so much like making love that at the end of each performance it leaves our heart beating very hard and looking forward to the next time.
English translation by Marcia De La Garza (Original in Spanish)
History of World Dance Day – 29th April
In 1982 the Dance Committee of the ITI founded International Dance Day to be celebrated every year on the 29th April, anniversary of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), the creator of modern ballet. The intention of the «International Dance Day Message» is to celebrate Dance, to revel in the universality of this art form, to cross all political, cultural and ethnic barriers and bring people together with a common language - Dance.
Every year a message from an outstanding choreographer or dancer is circulated throughout the world. The personality is selected by the founding entity of the International Dance Day - the International Dance Committee of the ITI, which collaborates with World Dance Alliance, a Cooperating Member of the ITI.
Together with the World Dance Alliance, ITI and its Dance Committee are celebrating International Dance Day at UNESCO in Paris.
Circulated by:
Indian People’s Theatre Association (IPTA).
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