शुक्रवार, 25 जून 2010
at 6:05 pm | 0 comments |
The National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW) strongly condemns the decision of the Central government to decontrol the prices of Petrol and increase the price of diesel, kerosene and LPG.
This will have a cascading impact on all sectors and will lead to a higher inflation especially in the prices of essential commodities.
The Central Government’s decision will cause more hunger, poverty, malnourishment and suicides.
Today’s decision reveals the true character of the UPA-2. UPA-2 believes only on market forces and work for the profit of the corporates and multi-national companies.
The decision to leave price fixing responsibility to the oil companies will lead to uncertainty and anarchy.
NFIW demands that the Central government withdraw the decision immediately.
Annie Raja
This will have a cascading impact on all sectors and will lead to a higher inflation especially in the prices of essential commodities.
The Central Government’s decision will cause more hunger, poverty, malnourishment and suicides.
Today’s decision reveals the true character of the UPA-2. UPA-2 believes only on market forces and work for the profit of the corporates and multi-national companies.
The decision to leave price fixing responsibility to the oil companies will lead to uncertainty and anarchy.
NFIW demands that the Central government withdraw the decision immediately.
Annie Raja
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