शुक्रवार, 25 जून 2010
at 6:07 pm | 0 comments |
The Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of India strongly condemns the decision of the UPA-II government to decontrol the prices of petrol and petroleum products. This is result of shameless pursuance of the disastrous course of economic neo-liberalism.
Decontrolling of the prices will not only hike steeply the prices of petrol, diesel, LPG, and Kerosene, but will have cascading impact on the prices in general. The Government has not spared even kerosene, the fuel of poor people. Urban poor and middle classes will bear the brunt of the price hike in the form of increase in fuel cost and transport charges. Agriculture will bear the brunt due to increase in diesel prices.
The Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of India calls upon all its units to immediately plunge into protest action and prepare for a sustained struggle against price-rise in general.
Decontrolling of the prices will not only hike steeply the prices of petrol, diesel, LPG, and Kerosene, but will have cascading impact on the prices in general. The Government has not spared even kerosene, the fuel of poor people. Urban poor and middle classes will bear the brunt of the price hike in the form of increase in fuel cost and transport charges. Agriculture will bear the brunt due to increase in diesel prices.
The Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of India calls upon all its units to immediately plunge into protest action and prepare for a sustained struggle against price-rise in general.
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